Under review

Find replace text too tiny

Steve Lombardi 10 years ago updated by rlsx 3 years ago 4
I can't read it, and clicking in the right place to edit is way hard. 

Related, it would be nice if that panel was enlarge-able.

Image 104

Option to disable iCloud

Dirk Boicourt 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 3

A option to disable the iCloud integration would be great. It could then open a new document straightaway when starting the app. This could also disable autosave, which makes problems when remote editing with Transmit, Forklift...

Under review

Use Apache Mode For .htaccess Files

Caleb Grove 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0

Just that, use the Apache syntax mode as the default for .htaccess files. :)


Editing a file and going to another app saves the file

Dan Eveland 12 years ago updated by Rune Gulbrandsøy 11 years ago 7

Love your apps. I have found a problem. If I open a file from an FTP client like Transmit (sending to Textastic) then change the file in Textastic, and go to another app, it automatically saves the file and triggers and upload. So, if I were changing a file, then needed to go to Google or something to lookup some syntax or whatever, the file in mid-edit is uploaded because it's automatically saved. This was bad when I was in the middle of change a configuration file for a website. I changed the database name my website used, then went to my database admin to to actually put the database there before I saved the configuration. Instead, the file was saved and my website went down because the configuration was no longer valid.


Custom code completion

Dariusz Owczarek 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 1 year ago 6

Is it possible to add custom code completion files into the ~Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Textastic/CodeCompletion direcory?

How can I do so?


Will be fixed in v1.1.


Why Textastic shows in "Open with" menus for image files?

Michał Jakubowski 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

As title says, why your app add itself to the "Open with" menu of image files? The don't have any code inside. It only clutters this menu.

Image 37


Will be fixed in v1.1.

Under review

Should not appropriate HTML files...

Rui Carmo 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 3

Textastic is now the default association for HTML files (instead of Safari), which is a pain - double-clicking on an HTML file now launches Textastic instead of Safari, which is understandable (and easy to revert) but unexpected.

I suggest this default association be removed from future versions.


Pipe/filter text to shell command or AppleScript

12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

I like being able to select some text (or have the whole document) be filtered through arbitrary shell commands and have the result replace the selection (or document).


Auto set scripts to executable?

Michael Savich 11 years ago updated by Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 6

I saved a script to Finder and tried to run it, but I got a permission denied error. Seems there was no write access allowed. Is this a bug? 

Under review

Show open files in a list on the right or left side of screen like bbedit. I keep a lot of files open when working on projects, and the tabs are cumbersome.

Justin Soenke 11 years ago updated by Stuart Hertzog 11 years ago 2
Primarily listing open files vertically instead of horizontally in tabs. I love your product on the iPad, but I use BBEdit on the mac because of the number of files I need to have open at one time.

Secondarily being able to manage "projects" or collections of files with FTP integration would be awesome.