Under review

Vi keybindings

Matt Keranen 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3

Its something of a cliche to request Vi keybindings in an editor, but as someone who does most of his server-side development in Vim, having a client side editor with the same is helpful.

Textastic so far seems quick and easy to use, as I often just want a place to paste some code and make quick edits. Vi key bindings would eliminate some of the effort in context switching.

I am _not_ advocating Vim compatibility (macros, plugins), just movement and common ex commands (find, replace).


Confirm auto complete with tab key instead of return

Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago updated by Alberto B. 11 years ago 2

User comment: "I strongly dislike the system of having to press the enter key to send auto-complete. I much prefer the using the tab key. Maybe could you add a setting to toggle it between enter and tab to not confuse other users?"

Under review

Modified File Indicator

Key 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

I think it would be a good idea for there to be some sort of indication that a file is modified and hasn't been saved. The window's titlebar does say "Edited", but that is only for the currently selected tab.

When working with lot of files in tabs it can be easy to loose track of which files you've made changes to and which changes have been saved.

Under review

ruby code completion

David Loeffler 12 years ago updated by ylluminate 10 years ago 2

I would love to have ruby (and rails, coffescript, ...) code completion.


Show names of own variables/functions

Mattijah S 12 years ago 0

When I am writing for example function, if, else... I can choose this from options: Image 45

Would be well something like this for own names of variables/functions. This function nice speed up the work...

Image 46


Auto Update to Saved Version

Robert Agcaoili 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3 1 duplicate

In TextMate, when you have a file open (obviously, not in iCloud), any changes to that file that were made and saved by another text editor (eg nvALT) will automatically appear in TextMate. 

In Textastic, I would have to close and reopen the document to see the changes. I would like the same functionality.


This will be added in the next update.


Replace in selection

Trent Gamblin 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

Like replace all but only in selected text.


Please: Opening Textastic without a file reference should open an empty document, not a "open" dialog!

Roberto Valerio 12 years ago updated by Stephan Sann 11 years ago 6 1 duplicate

Please have a look at Sublime Text 2. I open the app to start typing, I do not want to click "new document" on a file selector first. 


Add option to view non-printing characters (space, tab, CR/LF, etc.)

Go Bears! 12 years ago updated by Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 2

Add option to view non-printing characters such as spaces, tabs, carriage return/line feeds.  Take a look at Notepad++ or MS Word for examples.



Brandon Butler 12 years ago 0

It would be nice to have an option under the Text menu to re-indent code.