
Auto Update to Saved Version

Robert Agcaoili 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 3 1 duplicate

In TextMate, when you have a file open (obviously, not in iCloud), any changes to that file that were made and saved by another text editor (eg nvALT) will automatically appear in TextMate. 

In Textastic, I would have to close and reopen the document to see the changes. I would like the same functionality.



This will be added in the next update.

Duplicates 1

Yeah, that would be very helpful. Think of performing svn update and at the moment you have to completely close and open all files.

Came to this forum to post exactly that, so +1 for thes request. !


This will be added in the next update.

Great news ! :-)

I was just now worrying that Textasics autosave would overwrite changes made in my other editor.