Under review

support for context sensitive KML files.

Kevin Zari 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1
would like color context for KML files.
Not a bug

User added .tmTheme files not appearing in theme dropdown menu

Peter Miller 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 7
In Textastic for Mac I've saved a handful of themes and syntax definitions per the instructions on this page. The syntax definitions work fine, but even after restarting Textastic I can't get the themes to appear in the dropdown menu under Textastic preferences. These are TextMate themes (.tmTheme) from a variety of sources.

Good file management and organisation of windows across multiple spaces

Gadaji Man 12 years ago updated 11 years ago 2

FTP connections need to be handled gracefully.

The user needs to be informed but not alerted, and definitely not alarmed.

If all files within a folder are opened in a particular window, perhaps that window could be given a special colour.

Sometimes you want multiple tab sets.

Sometimes you might want to leave notes on top of the editor (without affecting the file).


LOVE the new update for TextTastic on the Mac

Dan Eveland 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 2
LOVE the new update for TextTastic on the Mac. Sweet.

When i change focus to other application, Textastic hide it windows.

Максим Рысь 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3

When i change focus to other application, Textastic hide it windows.

Image 75

Image 76


Repeated login to APP-Store.

SCA 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1

I use this on more than one MAC as I do with other programs. Yet I have to sign in to the APP-store every time I move to a different MAC - no other program does that. It is annoying, can this please stop.


Searchable comments

Jacob 11 years ago 0

I just thought of a great idea. There should be a way to search for text inside of comments.


tmbundle problem

梁键鸿 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2

I installed  nodejs tmbundle from https://github.com/robbin/javascript-node.tmbundle . but it doesn't work.... It works fine on textmate/sublime .

How can I type "req" and TAB than gen "var util = require('util');" 


Add to Tcl syntax highlighting Tk commands

Mike Barriault 11 years ago 0
Commands from Tk like canvas, toplevel, winfo, etc aren't highlighted when using Tcl mode, and neither are new commands from 8.6 such as oo::class. It would be very great if Textastic supported these as well.
Under review

Option to enable minify on-save

John-William Cage 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
Recently, I started thinking about code minifying because I was working on a project with lots of code which would really benefit from getting some minifying done.
I know that when you select all text and press ^M that it gets minified, but the most annoying this about it is that you have to minify it, save it, upload it to server, Cmd+Z and save.

My suggestion would be that you could enable an option in the settings that minifies the code AFTER you save the document. So, it will save the actual file but it keeps the non-minified version in the editor, ready for editing..... it might sound confusing, sorry if it does.
