Searchable comments

Jacob 11 years ago 0

I just thought of a great idea. There should be a way to search for text inside of comments.


tmbundle problem

梁键鸿 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 2

I installed  nodejs tmbundle from https://github.com/robbin/javascript-node.tmbundle . but it doesn't work.... It works fine on textmate/sublime .

How can I type "req" and TAB than gen "var util = require('util');" 


Add to Tcl syntax highlighting Tk commands

Mike Barriault 10 years ago 0
Commands from Tk like canvas, toplevel, winfo, etc aren't highlighted when using Tcl mode, and neither are new commands from 8.6 such as oo::class. It would be very great if Textastic supported these as well.
Under review

Option to enable minify on-save

John-William Cage 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
Recently, I started thinking about code minifying because I was working on a project with lots of code which would really benefit from getting some minifying done.
I know that when you select all text and press ^M that it gets minified, but the most annoying this about it is that you have to minify it, save it, upload it to server, Cmd+Z and save.

My suggestion would be that you could enable an option in the settings that minifies the code AFTER you save the document. So, it will save the actual file but it keeps the non-minified version in the editor, ready for editing..... it might sound confusing, sorry if it does.

Under review

Is it hard to implement a key mapping of some kind?

dimulec 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1
Unfortunately, most of my editing is done on PC and I am used to PC keyboard layout. Even more - I am using Synergy to switch between MAC and PCs. And I am using a PC full size keyboard. So, typing without looking on the keyboard is kinda hard in this editor. Especially annoying are HOME and END keys. Just imagine - to insert a new line my fingers automatically press END-ENTER and then I just start typing. Only to find out that the original line is now split in 2 and I am typing in the middle.

Btw, everything else is perfect. If I only could redefine just those 2 keys (HOME and END)...

TOC for Markdown

David Loeffler 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 2

If I use --- or === then the header does not show up in the TOC, but the headers I start with # do.  For Markdown the headers underlined with dashes or equal signs should be included in the TOC.

Under review

Incremental find/select selection

handycam 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1
As in Sublime and Brackets.  In Sublime: select a word or other selection.  Choose command-D to select next instance.  Command-D again to select next, etc., etc. or Control-Cmd-G to select ALL matches.  You can then edit all selected instances.

Add documentation or help on using new iCloud Drive feature - or redo it

DKinAA 9 years ago updated by Jason 7 years ago 2
I can't find any anywhere, even in the very sparse manual, and the interface is very confusing- I can't even tell whether it is possible to move or upload a file to iCloud Drive. If this isn't supported, I suggest that the feature needs a redesign.
At the top of the file navigation hierarchy in Textastic you can choose between "Local Files" and "iCloud".

Files in "Local Files" are stored on the local file system and are not automatically synced.

The "iCloud" option corresponds to the "Textastic" folder/container in iCloud Drive. Currently, you cannot send files to another iCloud Drive folder from within Textastic.

You can use the "Open…" command and choose "iCloud Drive" to open a file from any folder in iCloud Drive and edit the file in-place. Files opened in this way do have some limitations though: through the iOS sandboxing system, Textastic only gets access to this single file and not to the whole folder. So, if you do a web preview for example, the web view cannot access other referenced files like images or CSS files in the same folder.
Not a bug

Emmet has broken Emacs style keys - ^A and ^E for start of line and end of line

pelletee r 9 years ago updated by amn 5 years ago 7
Is there anyway to get this functionality back when working on a MD(markdown) file?
You are right, the standard Emmet keyboard shortcuts conflict with emacs commands.

As a workaround, you can go to your Mac's System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts and override the standard shortcuts for those two commands with other shortcuts. Here are screenshots of how this might look:

If you do this, you can use ctrl+a and ctrl+e as you are used to.


Crash on creating new file

Key 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

The app just randomly started crashing when I try to create a new file. It started after I tried to create a new Textastic template using the steps in the manual. I'm not sure if that's the exact reason it is now happening or not. It still allows me to open files, but crashes when creating any new file. Is there a debug file I can send to help with finding the problem?