Sql stored procedure

Irfin 11 years ago 0
Please add support for PGSQL Stored Procedure to symbol browser.

Don't automatically open sidebar when closing all tabs

MPLewis 9 years ago 0

In my particular workflow, I keep Textastic and Finder open in the same window using Split View, eliminating the need for the sidebar except for folder-level searches. However, when I close all of my active tabs, the sidebar automatically unhides itself, and does not go away when opening new files unless I manually hide it again.

This is certainly a minor issue, but it'd be nice if there were a setting I could toggle to disable this feature so the sidebar doesn't automatically show unless I manually show it.


Does it support a "virtual space"

Leonid Bushuev 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 4


Does it support a "virtual space" — an ability to place the cursor behind the '\n' ?




Quit application when 'new document' windows is open

Roberto Susino 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

Hi, great app! I noticed that, unlike other mac apps, it is impossible to quit the application when the 'new document' window is open. One needs to press cancel and close the window before it is possible to quit.


Textastic crashes when closing all tabs with held Command+W

MPLewis 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 3

I had about 10 tabs of open, saved documents, and was closing them all out to move on to something else. I held Command+W down, and accidentally held it down past when all of the tabs were closed. Textastic crashed, and, when I tried to reopen it, OS X's "Verifying..." window came up briefly, indicating that the application's signature had changed somehow. I have Gatekeeper disabled, but I still had to re-install Textastic from the App Store to get it to open again.


I would like to buy v2.1 but can't locate it.

BrianK 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 2
I'm running O/S 10.7.5 where can I buy v 2.1?
Not a bug

App Icon bug

Fexxel 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 3

In der Mac App wird im Launchpad auf einem Retina-Display kein AppIcon angezeigt, nur der Name taucht auf.


Reboot fixed the issue. 

Under review

Add a folder inside a folder?

jakesanders 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3
So I downloaded a html template for a website theme. Now I want to make my edits in textastic. But when I go to import the theme into iCloud for textastic I can't because you don't allow folders inside of folders? Why is this? This makes editing any website on iCloud impossible because almost every website has directories further than 1 deep? Am I missing something here?
Under review

support for context sensitive KML files.

Kevin Zari 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
would like color context for KML files.
Not a bug

User added .tmTheme files not appearing in theme dropdown menu

Peter Miller 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 7
In Textastic for Mac I've saved a handful of themes and syntax definitions per the instructions on this page. The syntax definitions work fine, but even after restarting Textastic I can't get the themes to appear in the dropdown menu under Textastic preferences. These are TextMate themes (.tmTheme) from a variety of sources.