Could you make this awesome app available for OS X 10.6?

Justin Bergerson 11 years ago 1 1 duplicate

I would purchase this app if it were compatible with OS X 10.6. Any chance youre going to do this?


Adds quarantine on save

mxey 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

When editing an executable .command file (shell scripts that runs in a Terminal window), Textastic for Mac adds the com.apple.quarantine attribute to the file on save. That means I can no longer execute my own script, or even edit with Textastic again, because I get the Gatekeeper error message that it's not signed. Removing the attribute with xattr fixes the issue.


This should be fixed in Textastic 2.0.


Feature Requests

Mark Simon 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3

I am enjoying this app very much, but I have a few requests:

  • Is it possible to show the full path name in the window title? This is useful  when editing documents in different locations, especially if they have the same name.
  • Can we have a text zoom, either via the mouse (command-scroll) or with keyboard short cuts, or even with buttons?
  • Can we optionally limit the list of languages. As a web developer, there are only about a dozen I need to work with, so I would like to filter out the rest.



Under review

Textastic for Mac Function Need:

wolf71 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1
1. Can support muti-lines comment for python. (just like sublime Text).
2. fix the file coder detect. (some Chinese GB code can't detect,need select and reload)

Crash when exiting after opening within Transmit

cloudwindhk 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

When I open a file in Transmit and quit Textastic and it asks to revert changes in the current file, it crashes when I confirm.

EDIT: it only seems to happen when the file is changed on the source server and I quit Textastic without making a change.


Replace that ghastly low-res icon on the mac

Robert Ireland 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3

That's right.  You have ruined my dock and launchpad and I hate you now.


Ability to change default Markdown file extension

Alex (Zero) Knight 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

I'd love an option to change the Markdown file extension format. I typically save my text files with the .md extension, rather than the much longer .markdown extension.


The default extension for Markdown will be .md instead of .markdown in v1.1 when you try to save a newly created Markdown file.


what is the best program to run my code

Luis Enrique Hernandez 10 years ago 0
hi there

i love this app but  textastic is missing a big option: run the code and i want it to improve my work at the office

More Platforms!

Marius Piedallu van Wyk 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0

The platforms supported the less I have to switch methodologies. Make it Linux/Mac/Windows compatible and it will totally beat Sublime and the like.

Sublime/VIM are nice since I sync my config on DropBox/etc and all work as expected anywhere...


Never. :)

Under review

iCloud is the default destination for unsaved files?

Karl 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 4

I've not been using Textastic for long - so go easy on me :)

I'm running it under OSX Yosemite.

If I run Textastic, it raises a file dialog - I select "Desktop" then hit 'New Document'.

I have a blank document.

If I then enter some text - and do 'File | Save...' Textastic prompts for a file name (correctly) and defaults the 'Where' to 'Desktop' (also OK).

However, if I do the above - but don't use 'File | Save...' and just quit the window - I end up with 'UntitledX' (e.g. 'Untitled4') being created on my iCloud account :(

I don't want this to happen - if I quit the program without saving a file - I'd expect a "Do you want to close this file without saving?" type dialog - I wouldn't expect it to go and store the data on iCloud :(

I use Textastic much like I used Edit Plus on the PC - as a clipboard dumping ground (as well as for editing real files) - so I end up with a lot of 'UntitledX' files being created on my iCloud account - and some of those files contain data I do not want to send off site.

Is there an easy way to stop this behaviour?

