
Spell Checker would be nice

Mahyar Mousavi 12 years ago updated by Jacob 9 years ago 2 1 duplicate

A spell checker for different languages would be nice. 


HTML Preview

Hey Guy 12 years ago updated by rofo62 10 years ago 6 1 duplicate

Imagine a button to preview a HTML file in the system's default browser.

Under review

multiple selection

Arda Balkan 11 years ago updated by タケハナジュン 5 years ago 4

You should add multiple selection tool and column selection tool to textastic. I use this tools on Sublime Text, absolutely great tools! I bought Textastic for both of mac and iphone, great app, congratulations.


git integration

Zachary Abresch 12 years ago updated by Del Fan 5 years ago 2

I'm a Bit Bucket user and there are a ton of Github users out there. Git integration would be awesome!


Emmet (Zen coding) a must have for HTML/CSS work

Arkadiusz Stankiewicz 12 years ago updated by bill 8 years ago 8

I'm really missing Emmet (Zen Coding) functionality.



Highlight selected word in document

Mahyar 12 years ago updated by 顾晓阳 8 years ago 3

From Notepad++ and Eclipse I love the feature if you double-click on a word (or select it) and it automatically highlights every other occur of that word in your view. 

Would be really nice to have that feature in Textastic! 


block indent / unindent

David Preschel 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 3

It would be nice to be able to indent  a whole block of highlighted code to the left or right. In IntelliJ,  this is the <tab> or <shift><tab>.  I find this very useful!


Actually, that's already possible. Have a look at the "Text" menu: Shift Left / Shift Right commands.

Selecting text and pressing Tab and Shift-Tab works, too.


Block editing

12 years ago updated by Philipp Comans 10 years ago 2

Being able to edit multiple lines simultaneously and/or multiple text cursors. (Like Sublime or SubEthaEdit).


Save window size for individual files and reopen them with the same frame

Max Opitz 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 3

Title says it all, would be nice if the window size stays the same when reopening a file.


Will be available in the next update.


Code completion for Python

Patrick 12 years ago updated by Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 1

Code completion for Python would be nice.