
File type-specific indentation settings

mxey 11 years ago updated by MPLewis 8 years ago 4

Different programming languages have different established coding styles. Ruby is intended with 2 spaces, Python with 4 spaces, Go with tabs. 

At the moment, Textastic only supports one global setting for indentation. File-type specific settings would be useful.


Auto complete variables, functions, etc in same file.

Tristan Lueking 11 years ago updated by xsmo 8 years ago 1

Would it be possible for auto complete to work with variables and functions within the file you are working on? This would make coding a lot quicker as previously used functions/variables would be a part of the auto complete list.


Make batch edits with Multiple Selections

Htain Lin Shwe 12 years ago 0

I prefer to use batch edits with multiple selections feature like sublimetext 2.


Curious as to whether you've considered creating a API ...

Robert Crooks 12 years ago 0

Curious as to whether you've considered creating a API that would allow others to write plugins for Textastic - that would allow some of the functionality requested here to written by others, so that you don't have to do all the work :)


Move Line Up / Move Line Down / Comment Selection

Kevin Ross 11 years ago updated by Anthony Mays 4 years ago 4

Would be great to see "Move Line Up / Move Line Down / Comment Selection" text transformations ala Xcode's Editor->Structure menu. Thanks!

Under review

Please limit undo/redo to the current tab only.

developerbob 10 years ago updated by Simon Bridgens 7 years ago 6
Please limit undo/redo to the current tab only. Each tab should have it's own undo/redo history. When I select undo or redo it should not apply to text in other open tabs.


Chris Reich 11 years ago 0

Open two files side-by-side and compare (highlight)


Add Goto Offset/Position (character) option

Lubos Pochman 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0 1 duplicate

It would be nice to have Goto Offset/Position (character) option so you can navigate to the character/position in the file with specified offset. It might be rolled into one Goto dialog with goto line like 100 is line number, 100:10 is relative position 10 on line 100, and :1234 is the absolute position in the file (character based).



David Loeffler 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2

I would like to see a preference so I can render markdown (I use Multimarkdown mostly) in a user selectable app.  I use Marked

Under review

Need to be able to set line height

font9a 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 2 1 duplicate

as it is, the type is too close together to be pleasing.