I use Marked even with Multimarkdown Composer (I'm working with beta 2 version right now). Like reading Brett's blog but find myself tying out too many markdown apps ;-). IMHO for iPhone - Textastic and Byword are the best, for Mac combination of Marked with Byword and/or Multimarkdown Composer and now Textastic. Byword is good until the file gets long and without navigation to #...# headers it becomes painful but it sync's very nicely using iCloud (or Dropbox).
Yes, dragging the icon works even for files that are saved to iCloud.
I'm using Marked, too. You can simply drag the file icon from the window title in Textastic onto the Marked icon. It works excellent.
I use Marked even with Multimarkdown Composer (I'm working with beta 2 version right now). Like reading Brett's blog but find myself tying out too many markdown apps ;-). IMHO for iPhone - Textastic and Byword are the best, for Mac combination of Marked with Byword and/or Multimarkdown Composer and now Textastic. Byword is good until the file gets long and without navigation to #...# headers it becomes painful but it sync's very nicely using iCloud (or Dropbox).
Yes, dragging the icon works even for files that are saved to iCloud.