

David Loeffler 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 2

I would like to see a preference so I can render markdown (I use Multimarkdown mostly) in a user selectable app.  I use Marked

I'm using Marked, too. You can simply drag the file icon from the window title in Textastic onto the Marked icon. It works excellent.

I use Marked even with Multimarkdown Composer (I'm working with beta 2 version right now). Like reading Brett's blog but find myself tying out too many markdown apps ;-).  IMHO for iPhone - Textastic and Byword are the best, for Mac combination of Marked with Byword and/or Multimarkdown Composer and now Textastic.  Byword is good until the file gets long and without navigation to #...# headers it becomes painful but it sync's very nicely using iCloud (or Dropbox).

Yes, dragging the icon works even for files that are saved to iCloud.