Custom code completion
Is it possible to add custom code completion files into the ~Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Textastic/CodeCompletion direcory?
How can I do so?
Version 1.0 wrongly uses the directory that's used in the iOS apps: ~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Documents/#Textastic/CodeCompletion
I submitted version 1.1 yesterday which is going to use the directory you mentioned.
Is there some kind of tutorial for this? What could I add to this directory?
You can find all existing code completion definitions (JSON files) that are included in Textastic at https://github.com/blach/Textastic-Customization/tree/master/CodeCompletion
If you want to modify code completion definitions, you can edit them and put them in the "~Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Textastic/CodeCompletion" folder mentioned above. Textastic will pick up the changes at application startup time, so you have to manually quit the app.
If you do not change the uuid, your custom file will be used instead of the built-in one with the same uuid. If you use a new uuid (you can generate one with the uuidgen command line tool), the code completion file will be loaded in addition to existing ones.
I came to ask where the base definitions were stored so I could edit them, thanks for posting this. Gotta make the code completions match my own peculiarities >.<
If I messed something up in my own version of the file, I can just delete it from the folder and restart the application right?
You can go to Settings -> Other and tap "Reload Customizations" to reload code completion files, syntax definitions and themes without quitting the app.
Alternatively, you can use Cmd-Shift-R on an external keyboard to reload customizations.
This is explained in the manual at https://www.textasticapp.com/v10/manual/customization/custom_syntax_themes_templates.html#reload-customizations
To use the built-in code completions in case something doesn't work anymore, you can just delete your custom code completion file and reload customizations.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Will be fixed in v1.1.