Under review

Restore cursor position

Ian C 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0

If I quit Textastic and reopen it, all the tabs from before are correctly restored, but the cursor position within each tab is not (it is placed at the start of the file). If you are editing large files it can be a pain to go back to where you were.


Automatically exclude a configurable list of file extensions from the project list.

Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago 0

I'd like to exclude certain path names (i.e. .git folders, or everything starting with ., as well as more esoteric things like PROJ.egg-info folders) as well as certain filename extensions (*.pyc, *.pyo, *.o, etc.)


Save All Menu Option

tobyjunker 10 years ago 0
I would like to be able to select "Safe All" from the Edit menu.

Top menu bar - same as iOX App

alain carriere 12 years ago 0

I use textastic in IOS on my Ipad mini and its great..

It would be very nice to have the same feature as the iOS with a Top Menu Bar for quick access to "Files, Preview, Search, Symbols and File Properties" Thanks, keep up the good work!


Copy as styled text

Ben Holland 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 2

The BEST feature of BBEdit and SubEthaEdit is the ability to copy as styled text. I use Evernote for my note-taking in class, and to be able to share styled text is SO valuable to me. I LOVE Textastic and want to use it for absolutely everything, but it is lacking this absolutely essential feature. If it had this, I would never use another text editor again.

This is useful for pasting code into a Word or PowerPoint presentation. Also VERY helpful for pasting code snippets into notes.


The next update will have the commands "Copy as Styled Text" and "Copy as Styled HTML".


Auto indent tags on return

handycam 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 3
See attached, textmate 2 vs textastic 3.  Most other editors behaves as TM2 does as well.

1. create UL tag, return
2 .cursor is before the closing tag, on the last line
3. move it and create space for LI tag, create LI tag
4.  repeat step 2

As you can see in TM example, hitting return inside the tag correctly create a new line and the cursor is at the proper indent level for the next enclosed tag or text.

Image 106

And now in Textastic:

Image 107
Under review

How do I get a 10.8 compatible version?

Polytropia 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
How do I get a 10.8 compatible version?

Emacs Like Editing

David Loeffler 12 years ago updated by Lee R. Boynton 8 years ago 4

I found ^A and ^E work but ^K does not. Any reason not to include the full set of emacs key bindings that the standard Mac editors, like TextEdit, include?

Under review

Edit RTF Files with Formatting

Isaiah Turner 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0
I would love the ability to edit RTF files similar to how you can in TextEdit.

How to invoke code completion in Fortran?

Li Dong 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 3

How can I accomplish code completion task in Fortran? By entering what keys? I see nowhere is an instruction, and the manual is too brief!

Despite some frustration, Textastic looks very nice! I have faith on it, keep going! : )