Under review

No YAML support

Ossie Marks 8 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

hi no syntax highlighting for YAML that Sucks when doing Ansible scripts


Can this program edit an old website?

Sam-78 8 years ago 0

I have a website I need to update. Can I update and insert pictures using this program


Monofur font has no bold weight

Albo P. Fossa 8 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 2

No biggie. Just a hint for template writers. I'm using the Monofur font, as I find it easy on my eyes. I also maintain a private template. I found "fontStyle bold" yields no result for Monofur. So I've focused my element distinction needs on careful use of colors and italics. Works for me


Common keywords not highlighted in Shell language

Chris Byrd 8 years ago in General 0

In using the Shell language (bash and others though we use Korn mainly, I have found several common UNIX commands that aren't highlighted via syntax highlighting. I'm sure there are more, but those I noticed are:


















One way to verify more of them would be to look at the Notepad++ free editor, which has that language and the keywords could be pulled from its lists.


Programming PIC24FJ64GB004

jecci 8 years ago in General 0

Hello all, I am trying to run simple LED blink program on PIC24FJ64GB004(bought from http://www.kynix.com/Detail/416542/PIC24FJ64GB004T-I-ML.html)using PICKit3 programmer. Image 148
I tried multiple codes but all give same response. When i write a 0 to GPIO it remains at logic 0, but when i write 1 to any GPIO it starts toggling.
Same behavior whatever configuration or code i try whatever GPIO i use. 
Please suggest me where is the issue. Below is one of the codes i've tried but no luck. Please help me out. Thanks all.

#include <p24fxxxx.h>
_CONFIG1( JTAGEN_OFF & //JTAG port is disabled
GCP_OFF & //GSP Memory Code Protection OFF
GWRP_OFF & //GCC Flash Write Protection OFF FWDTEN_OFF & //Watchdog Timer OFF ICS_PGx1) //debug over PGD1 and PGC1 _CONFIG2( FNOSC_FRCPLL & //Internal FRC with PLL OSCIOFNC_ON & //RA3 is clk out (fosc/2) POSCMOD_NONE & //Primary oscillator disabled I2C1SEL_PRI) //Use default SCL1/SDA1 pins #pragma code int main(void) { unsigned long i; //a 32 bit variable to use as a timer CLKDIVbits.RCDIV0=0; //clock divider to 0 AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF; // Default all pins to digital OSCCONbits.SOSCEN=0; //Disables the secondary oscilator TRISAbits.TRISA1 = 0; //sets the Mode LED pin RA1 as output LATAbits.LATA1 = 1; //turns LED ON ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///FOREVER LOOP/////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while(1) { } }

Suggestion: add to FAQ, how to force "Preview" to refresh cached *online*

Albo P. Fossa 8 years ago in General 0

The offline page I'm editing links to an already-uploaded and changed paged (which uses an already-changed and uploaded style sheet). Textastic's Preview takes a link to a cached older copy. Even a "hard reboot" of the iPad doesn't mitigate the problem. I suggest you add instructions for refreshing cache to the online instruction manual.

Under review

Bug: select window in split view expands into full pane

Fed Reggiardo 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 4

When I push a selector in the split view, the text window expands to fill the entire view.

Normally my site looks like this:

Image 145

But if I tap the same selector in split view I get this: ...and there is no way to undo without leaving split view.

Image 146


Multimarkdown export

disinterested 8 years ago in General 0

Since Textastic now uses multimarkdown, it would be amazing if there was an option to export multimarkdown to html and LaTeX (which MMD also supports). I realize that we can copy the generated HTML, but this adds several extra steps, and there is no way to get LaTeX.

Related: Would it be possible to update to the latest version of MMD in the next update?

Under review

Upgrade from 5 to 6 not porting settings and local files

boydrjones 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 7

Just upgraded from V5 to V6 and assumed that my V5 settings and files would automatically port to the new V6. However, they did not. Is there something I'm missing? Running Textastic on iPad version 9.3.2

Not a bug

Manual Added FireBug-lite get freezed after loaded

supersuraccoon 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

First thanks for this great app, really love it :)

I have just upgraded to the latest Textastic 6.

But now I'm having a problem with firebug-lite.

Test environment:

iPad mini 1 / v9.2.1 / Textastic 6.0

Test code (index.html):



This is just a blank page, and when I run this demo in PREVIEW, and then click the ENABLE FIREBUG, the Firebug console appeared and everything works fine.

Then I tried to enable FIREBUG myself ( because I would like to have firebug enabled when I run this demo in the safari).

The code:

Test code (index.html):


<script src="https://getfirebug.com/firebug-lite.js"></script>



This time, the firebug console appeared when the demo loaded but, the console UI freezed, I can not click any buttons in the console (I can not even close the console).

Then I tried the same code with the old Textastic App and it worked fine ( I can click all the buttons in the console and they works as expected)

Hope you can looking into this.

Thanks :)