iOS: Dropbox not shown under OPEN...

Chris Laarman 8 years ago in General updated 8 years ago 2

Hello all. My first post. The matter seems new here.

Dropbox is among the clouds that I have successfully linked Textastic for iOS to. Yet it doesn't show under the Open... command, nor under the subsequent More.. command to Manage Locations.

Tested on up-to-date iPad Air 2 and iPhone 7 Plus, and on iPad Pro 10.5" on latest beta iOS 11.


the Dropbox app does not have a file provider that supports open mode. Please use Textastic's built-in Dropbox support instead: https://www.textasticapp.com/v6/manual/lessons/How_do_I_access_files_in_my_Dropbox_account.html


Thank you, Alexander.  :-)