Under review


Xander jara 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

How can i check a python script


iOS: Dropbox not shown under OPEN...

Chris Laarman 8 years ago in General updated 8 years ago 2

Hello all. My first post. The matter seems new here.

Dropbox is among the clouds that I have successfully linked Textastic for iOS to. Yet it doesn't show under the Open... command, nor under the subsequent More.. command to Manage Locations.

Tested on up-to-date iPad Air 2 and iPhone 7 Plus, and on iPad Pro 10.5" on latest beta iOS 11.

Under review

find across line break - cannot find strings which span line break

Wolf Thandoy 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

search cannot find strings which include a hard line break - table cells, list items, etc.

this is a real hindrance


Keyboard like swift playground, source e.g.

Baocang Nie 8 years ago in iPad 0

Image 217

Image 218

Under review

Unable to select .mq4 text files from Document Picker in Textastic.

Vogel 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

I am not able to open a .mq4 Text file in Textastic.

It is just a simple text code file. Should work easily.

Image 216

Under review

recent directories

Wolf Thandoy 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

add a recent directories menu over the directories column, similar to the recent files menu over the editing window


Highlighting for Python 3 type hints

Mbrio 8 years ago in General 0

There seems to be no support for Python 3 (released in 2008) type hints. From what I gather you are using the TextMate Python package for code highlighting, a somewhat more up-to-date highlighting package that most all other editors use (Sublime, Microsoft Code, Atom, GitHub) is MagicPython: https://github.com/MagicStack/MagicPython which has much better support for Python 3.

Under review

Viewport size for Media Query testing

Louis 88 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 2

It would be wonderful to be able to select a size or device size when viewing files on iPad so that true mobile testing can take place.  

Perhaps a few select sizes, such as mobile, tablet, and desktop to begin, or perhaps a width and height control for viewing how Media Queries are behaving?

Thank you for taking this into consideration....and I could never tire of thanking you for the wonderful app you have provided.  I really enjoy using it and feel very confident developing website solely on my iPad Pro.