
Textastic on iOS 8 / iPhone 6 (plus)

Maurice Zoliker 10 years ago in iPhone updated by Steven Lu 10 years ago 16
Hello Alexander,

Are you planning to release an update to better support iOS 8?

The current version of Textastic seems to work on my brand new iPhone 6+, but I think it deserves an "optimized" version, to make the most of the extra pixels and extra screen surface :-).

Here are, in my opinion, some things that could be improved:
- Decrease font size/height in file-choosers, to be able to display more files
- Upper and lower menus could be made significantly smaller, to save valuable space
- Maybe have a landscape iPhone 6+ dedicated mode, with a mini file-chooser on the left and the edit pane on the right (like on the iPad version)
- In landscape mode, the extra icon line (above the keyboard) does not take all the available room, which could be improved either by adding extra icons, or by increasing their size (by the way, why not implement a fully customized keyboard, now that Apple accepts this?)
- In landscape mode, the file transfer screen could be made to fit entirely on one screen, especially on iPhone 6+

That's it for today, I hope this is not too much of a wishlist on a single message ;-).

Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,

Highlight/parse JavaScript with JSX Syntax

Ed Brannin 7 years ago in iPhone updated 7 years ago 1

Remote editing on the server files

Saad 4 years ago in iPhone updated by Roman 1 year ago 1

Hi, I would like to be able to make edits on the remote version of the file so as soon I press save, the file on the remote is updated. And every time I open the file (while navigating in the remote directory), it fetches it from the remote server. I feel like that would be more efficient for me than making local copies and keeping them in sync.

Let me know what you think about this.


Amazing app BTW.


Customize Additional Rows of Keys

Turing Eret 12 years ago in iPhone 0

The additional row of keys is very nice, but it would be great if you could configure them further for different languages. For example, in Haskell, I have little need for the ';', but a much greater need for ':', so it would make sense if that were the center character. Additionally, it'd be nice to have the ability to add character combinations in those additional keys. To use Haskell again, inserting "->" or "::" with a single keystroke would be very nice.


Preview for Themes/ Specify syntax highlight colors?

Read Frost 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0
I would love to be able to match the highlight colors to my desktop code editor so that I can eliminate any confusion. Also, while looking for a theme with similar colors I found it redundant to tap options, scroll to themes, select them, tap back, tap done, and then find that the theme I chose was not my favorite, and repeat. Still great app!

Good point.

Under review

Insert Date Variable Into Template

jalim 8 years ago in iPhone updated by Brian Fennell 2 years ago 3

It would be great if a you could use the date as a variable in a template. It could be useful in creating filenames that have date appended and also in inserting the date into the snippet itself. Something along the lines of %Y-%M-%D to achieve 2017-03-22


undo deleted files

khaled 7 years ago in iPhone 0

deleted file move to trash and u can undo or restore this files


TextExpander Touch 2 Support

mr4js 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

I would like to see TextExpander Touch 2 Support on the iPhone.


Keyboard usable in other programs

Freykin 5 years ago in iPhone 0

Hi there, I’d love to use the keyboard in other apps in addition to Textastic. Is this currently possible? If not, I’d happily pay for it as a separate app.

Under review

Text zoom with automatic text reflow

victordomingos 8 years ago in iPhone updated by Dante Picchioni 1 year ago 2

When zooming text with the pinching gesture with two fingers, it should automatically adjust text position to match the screen edges and automatically reflow text to fit them. This is specially important on iPhone, as the screen space is very limited. It could be an option in the settings, to allow both ways. 

The desired behaviour can be found, for instance, in an app named Permanote (formerly Nebulous Notes). You pinch the screen and the text adjusts its size and fits the screen, fowing in realtime.