Under review

I updated to iOS 10 today and my fingerprint password for Textastic isn't working (keeps cycling).

tholaday 8 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

I am not using Textastic 6. Didn't see the point in paying for an upgrade. But now I can't access any of my files! Help.

Under review

Transformations like Textmate

Нездешний 9 years ago in iPhone updated 9 years ago 4

Does Textastic supports transformations?


Cannot link Dropbox in Textastic 6

aminnii 9 years ago in iPhone updated 9 years ago 2

After I login to Dropbox in Textastic 6 successfully, it still displays as "Not linked"


Under review

Arduino binary value not syntax highlighted

BartmanEH 9 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1

First of all, great program :-)

Minor bug: binary values that start with a B are not recognized in Arduino syntax and are not being coloured as a value like decimal and 0x hex values are.


I can't connect to AmazonEC2 with privatekey in SFTP and error message "No remote file found

Shaw Sawai 11 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1
iOS Texstastic can't connect AmazonEC2 site with private key by SFTP and showed error message "No remote file found". While no problem with iPad in same setting. What's wrong?wrong?

popup text select every time

Toshiharu Moriyama 12 years ago in iPhone 0
I use Japanese for iPhone .
Type Japanese is always pop up text selector.

thank you.


MathML in HTML (or Markdown) can't Send As Message in iOS 6

Aslak Raanes 12 years ago in iPhone 0

This isn't actually only a Textastic-bug, since the same thing happens in some other Markdown-implementations (Daily One, Byword). In Texstastic the same thing also happens when using MathML in HTML.

Something like this (and more complex MathML) looks good in HTML-preview iOS 6:

<!doctype html>
<title>Trigging MathML in HTML iOS bug</title>

but it isn't possible to Send As Message. The send email dialog just disapears and goes back to editor mode. It works on my iPad with iOS 5 (but the preview doesn't look as good).


Cannot vote, says I've already voted

Fredrik Linder 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1
Whenever I press vote on the features list, it says I've already voted, which I haven't.

How about email support?

Team MW 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 3
Is it possible to integrate iOS's mail app so u can email the files?!

there is an error when moving local files in the folder where they already are.

Jasper Haenen 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

There's an error when moving local files in the folder where they already are.