Under review

Upload to Dropbox and GDrive fails

Steve Knoblock 7 years ago in iPhone updated 7 years ago 2

For about three weeks now uploads to Dropbox and GDrive fail. I have not been able to back up my files there since.

Under review

Textastic adds .txt extension to TaskPaper-Files on edit

jscholtes 7 years ago in iPhone updated 7 years ago 3

when i open a TaskPaper file test.taskpaper via the new ios11 Files App ,

the file is recognized as plain/text and after edit the file is renamed to test.taskpaper.txt.

This is really annoying


iPhone X UI Issues

Ara Adkins 7 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 3

While the UI functions fine there are a couple of visual issues with Textastic on the iPhone X when editing a file:

  1. The addon keyboard does not span the width of the entire screen, making it fairly difficult to touch.
  2. The top of the screen features a grey bar (though in practice this is mostly hid under the notch). 

Please see the image below for a depiction of both issues. 

Image 229

Not a bug

Custom template not showing up in template list

Jake Rayson 7 years ago in iPhone updated 7 years ago 3

I followed the instructions for creating a custom template on Textastic 6.4.1 on an iPhone 6 10.3.3. It's a Markdown template for my static site generator, using Front Matter, in a file called fm.json. It is saved in a folder in Local Files called #Textastic/Templates

However, after restarting Textastic, the template isn't appearing in the list :(

Any ideas why? Many thanks, Jake

  "uuid": "E3435C11-14CF-4DE6-A0D8-EE5ADC2F0D5C",
  "category": "Markdown",
  "templates": [
      "name": "Frontmatter",
      "fileExtension": "md",
      "snippet": "---
date: DATE
layout: post.hbs
collections: posts
draft: true

Image 227


Unable to open Working Copy folders in Textastic

Ara Adkins 7 years ago in iPhone updated by EFlynn 6 years ago 16

The combination of the latest Textastic version (6.4, iOS) and the latest update to Working Copy (3.1.0) it is now impossible to pick folders for inclusion at the top level on iPhone. While it is possible to drag and drop on the iPad, there is no equivalent solution for iPhone.

It's a big workflow damper for making broader changes across repos as the picker in Files can be quite slow in larger repositories (not that this is your issue). 

Under review

Universal app?

Jason 7 years ago in iPhone updated by Tiago Sá 6 years ago 9

So I  purchased and downloaded textastic  for the iPad while ago and now I'm trying to download the app for iPhone but it says that I haven't purchased it. Can anyone help? 


Please add the Chinese support!

YoLLe 7 years ago in iPhone 0

Please add the Chinese language support!




un4gvn 7 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 3

Won't open .tex files? Ouch!

Under review

Google Drive file uploading

beaboutclayton 7 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 1

Mostly I have only been programming in C++ and just bought Textastic to look over and edit my code. Only problem is that I cannot access .cpp files. Uploading them into a folder on Google drive is no problem, but accessing them via the app isn't working. I converted some files to .txt and they would work. Let me know if there is a solution.


I couldn't see svn diff .

Jpf 7 years ago in iPhone 0

The text is visualised without syntax highlight

Could you resolve this issue please.

I like the app, but without this feature is very unuselees for me

I'm setting diff in the syntax parsing and I'm testing different UI , but I can't do it works
