
Launcher Center Pro - Support

robert brennan 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

 Would it be possible to add integration/support for Launch Center Pro from AppCubby.  I know there is already a custom URL scheme, but it would be nice to have the icon.  And perhaps the ability to launch Textastic from a URL scheme, and copy the contents of the clipboard to a new file.


Thank you for an amazing piece of software.


Should remember scrolled position in settings

Jean-Philippe Leconte 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

If you change settings often (I often change tabs and word wrap), having to scroll back to the usually same setting is tiresome. Additionally, remembering the scrolled position in themes would also make it a lot faster to test them all.


Iphone code folding?

Tom Kelly 11 years ago in iPhone 0
Large docs require ways to reorganize sections. Iphone code folding? Outline rearrange? Thanks. Cut and paste doesn't cut it.

Add toolbar button to toggle word wrap

phgmacedo 12 months ago in iPhone updated by Freemen Muaddib 12 months ago 1

I use it often, takes a lot of taps. 


Jump to specified line number by URL scheme

Ts-Neko 1 year ago in iPhone 0

I would like to to display the line in Textastic by a specified line number from another app using URL scheme.

URL scheme, for example:


I can open a file using this material as a reference.



Ability to reload modified files

James S 3 years ago in iPhone 0

I'm using Textastic to view and modify text files stored on a cloud drive (pCloud), which is generally working well. However, if I have a file open in Textastic and modify it from another computer, one of the following happens:

  • In some cases, the open tab just closes
  • In other cases, the file remains open, but doesn't refresh with the modified version of the file

I can work around this by re-opening the closed tab, or by closing and re-opening the Textastic app.

I'd prefer if the tab didn't close, but a message appeared stating the file has changed, and asking if I want to reload it. Alternatively, just a menu option to reload the current file would be a reasonable solution.



Milon 3 years ago in iPhone updated 3 years ago 1

Hello there,

Today's post is just a funny one. I'll be releasing different types of themes for the community. I'll update this post regularly to add new theme's every now and then. Feel free to suggest themes!

How to add themes? Go to your Textastic app, open the local files > create a new folder name the folder #Textastic (make sure it's exactly named like that else it won't work!) add a file into the folder named (you may choose the name as long as the file extension is ends with) .tmTheme 

Theme's are below: 

Notepad theme:



diaotida 6 years ago in iPhone 0

Does it support python3.6 ?

Under review

x-callback-url support for downloading/uploading (already mapped) files

Sha1 11 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 0
Is it possible to add x-callback-url support for downloading and uploading files that were already mapped to a remote? An example workflow would be: open textastic using openurl and paste the clipboard into the file (this functionality already exists) and when done upload the file to the remote. Similar workflow for downloading - open textastic and automatically download the latest version from the remote...


Support SwipeSelection

Steven Lu 10 years ago in iPhone 0
SwipeSelection used to work on iOS6 with textastic, but currently, on my iPhone 6+ with iOS8.1, the Textastic app doesn't fully work with SwipeSelection Pro (a Cydia tweak) -- it allows you to swipe back and forth across only about two characters. 

Hopefully you can take a look and see if this is an issue that can be fixed. 

Even better, if it can be supported natively by the app. There was a concern raised here (http://feedback.textasticapp.com/topic/114900-swipe-selection/) about special characters, but the way to deal with that is to just disable the swipe functionality when the key has been held, so that both features can be used together.