Under review

So far I love it. However can’t navigate up from Dropbox folders

Larry Seyer 7 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 1

I use Dropbox for all code. 

I can navigate down into deep folders but I can’t navigate up one folder. 

Under review


how exactly are you trying to access Dropbox? Do you use Textastic's built-in Dropbox support (see https://www.textasticapp.com/iphone/v6/manual/lessons/How_do_I_access_files_in_my_Dropbox_account.html) or do you use the "Open…" command in Textastic?

If you use the built-in Dropbox support you should start at the root folder of your Dropbox account and you can tap on subfolders to navigate down. To navigate up again, you use the back button in the top left corner.