**UPDATE** When doc extension absent.....Tab not expanding Emmet on iPad with most current iOS
Dear Alexander, I apologize, I misunderstood what I was seeing. It appears that tab indeed works just fine but only when doc extension is present (such as .html or .php). I had created a new document without extension and emmet did not work with tab. That does not seem to be a problem at all.
Previous Assumption
I used to be able to expand Emmet with tab in Textastic, but can no longer do that. I must use CTRL + E. I’m using iPad Pro 2nd gen, running most current iOS and using Apple smart keyboard....so there is no option of keybinding. I assume this is a bug since I used to be able to expand with tab not very long ago...a few weeks?
Snippet to generate custom JavaScript CodeCompletion file
Hi guys,
I wrote a small snippet to generate custom JS code completion description files. It can be executed at runtime and parses all objects from the global object and tries to extract their API.
I know at the moment Textastic does not supports suggestion of file symbols nor project wide symbols. That's why this snippets maybe helps people to workaround that missing feature.
At the moment this snippet is very limited and only makes the method names available in the editor without any context. I plan to add the context information and maybe also the function parameters for the completion data.
So if you're interested in this snippet, then I can share future versions of the script here. :)
const logCompletionDescriptionData = () => {
const getSymbols = function() {
const getSymbolsOfObject = (obj, symbols = [], level = 0) => {
if (level == 5) return []
return Object
.filter(key => symbols.indexOf(key) === -1)
.filter(key => isNaN(parseInt(key)))
.map((key, i, array) => {
const value = obj[key]
if (!value) return [key]
const isArray = Array.isArray(value)
const isFunction = typeof value === "function"
if (!isArray && !isFunction) {
return [key].concat(getSymbolsOfObject(value, array, level + 1))
return [key]
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
.sort((a,b) => a < b ? -1 : +1)
return getSymbolsOfObject(window)
const metaData = {
"description": "BlackCats Code",
"uuid": "DE267669-E66E-400A-ACEA-BD906DC2B813",
"completionSets": [
"name": "js.blackcat.code",
"strings": getSymbols()
"contexts": [
"description": "root",
"scope": "source.js - comment - string",
"pattern": "(?<!\\.)\\b([a-zA-Z]*)",
"completionCaptureIndex": 1,
"completionSetNames": [
console.log(JSON.stringify(metaData, null, 2))
Bug? Textastic auto-renames files it edits?
On iOS 11, when I open a file from Dropbox, Textastic renames the file automatically (to lowercase). Is this necessary?
Additional Syntax Highlighters
I was wondering what format is used for lexing the files for application of syntax highlighting. There are a few languages (Idris, Rust, Coconut) for which I would like to see highlighting, and I’m happy to provide the grammars if they are in a well-known format (e.g. Textmate, Vim, Sublime).
key features missed : search and sort files from cloud
Dear author,
I like Textastic, and it is my main solution to search/edit text/md files in iphone and ipad.
After I read doc of textasticapp, I was wandering why there were still no these basic features in mature textastic.
1. order files by LUT (last updated time) from cloud (icloud or dropbox)
2. search files by name or regex from cloud (icloud or dropbox)
As far as I can remember, before upgrade to ios 11, #1 is available, but after upgrading to ios 11, this one is not there.
Textastic is still the best text editor/viewer in iOS. Please consider these 2 key features.
Need an option to link to a file in a different folder %- <img src=“recent file” />
iOS added a visible files folder. I was able to get a screenshot from photos to that file, but I am still trying to show it on a webpage.
Custom template not showing up in template list
I followed the instructions for creating a custom template on Textastic 6.4.1 on an iPhone 6 10.3.3. It's a Markdown template for my static site generator, using Front Matter, in a file called fm.json. It is saved in a folder in Local Files called #Textastic/Templates
However, after restarting Textastic, the template isn't appearing in the list :(
Any ideas why? Many thanks, Jake
{ "uuid": "E3435C11-14CF-4DE6-A0D8-EE5ADC2F0D5C", "category": "Markdown", "templates": [ { "name": "Frontmatter", "fileExtension": "md", "snippet": "--- title: date: DATE layout: post.hbs collections: posts draft: true desc: --- " } ] }
Change App Icon to match theme
As you can change the appearance of the UI between a few different colours, I would like to be ab;e to select an icon that better matches the UI colour.
This could be as simple as adding a dark grey version of the icon in the same style as the current one.
This feature is seen in many other apps, like WorkingCopy which has a dark icon to match the dark theme.
keyboard goes missing
I run into a fairly frequent (every few days) where the keyboard goes missing and doesn't want to reappear. The only way I've found to get it back is to quit and relaunch Textastic.
Anyone else seen this? Have any suggestions for getting around it?
Delete/backspace when using softtab
When using soft tabs, backspace/delete at the beginning of an indented line only deletes one space instead of all the space matching a soft tab.
For example, say I have set my tab width to 4 spaces and use soft tabs, then if I have a line with an indent of two tabs (8 spaces) and then enter a new line and want to outdent it one tab (to 4 spaces), I'd usually hit backspace and expect one tab to be deleted (4 spaces), instead only 1 space is deleted (leaving 7 spaces).
Using shift-tab at the beginning of a line does work, but I'd argue it makes sense to do this for backspace as well (other editors do that, including Textatic on macOS AFAICT).
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