Under review

Persist undo past "download latest"

Tony Meyer 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

99.9% of the time, I love having the warnings for up/download set to "always" not prompt. Then 1 time in 1000, I bump "download" instead of "upload", frantically hit "cancel", and am always too late (at 'best', I end up with a partial download), and say goodbye permanently to whatever I had done.

If the entire contents of the file could be put into the undo history as the 'previous step' to downloading, then in this situation I could just hit undo and all would be good. This would be incredibly useful in those terrible accidental touch situations.

(It would be nice if the entire undo history was also preserved, but just getting the previous version of the complete file would be enough).

(Uploading isn't such an issue, because there's nearly always an original copy of whatever was replaced, unlike on the iPad where Textastic generally has the only copy of whatever I've just written).


Console error log

Нездешний 8 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 2

an example of code that works in textastic 5.3.1, but gives an error in the console in the 6.3 version

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, minimal-ui">

<p>Click the button to open an output stream in a new window, add some text, then close the output stream.</p>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

function myFunction() {
var w = window.open();
w.document.write("<h1>Hello World!</h1>");


Under review

If a filename ends in .jags or .bugs, please use R syntax highlighting (instead of plain text).

Jonathan Bearak 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

If a filename ends in .jags or .bugs, please use R syntax highlighting (instead of plain text). These files indicate Bayesian statistical models, and their syntax matches R syntax. No new programming to support this language is required -- just matching the extension to R syntax would be great! Thanks

Under review

SaveAs or file naming with version appended

Cecil Ward 8 years ago in General updated 8 years ago 2

I'd love a way of saving multiple versions of a document more easily and safely. Firstly, a no-overwrite lock would be good, so that all edits write to a new _copy_ of an existing document, to save me from myself so I don't overwrite existing work. Secondly either an easier SaveAs or an easier way of making a copy of a doc before I start editing, preferably by creating a writeable copy of a file that uses a filename that is version number suffixed or date suffixed, something like either

mydoc.txt;3 mydoc,txt;4 - (VAX/VMS-style), or

mydoc-2016-12-01.txt or



Open index.html when previewing a javascript file in browser

tobias teleman 8 years ago in General 0

To minimize navigation it would be nice if the editor opened the closest html-file when previewing a javascript file.

Under review

Curl upload

Cecil Ward 8 years ago in iPad updated 8 years ago 3

i have a router that has an admin I/f that speaks http. On a *nix box, I could upload a config file (an XML file) to the device using the "curl" tool with suitable parameters. If I could create a saved settings upload object containing the saved parameters as for curl, I could upload a file that I have edited in textastic on my iPad. I could probably do http downloads in a similar fashion too. This would be a fantastic time-saver for me. It's basically a feature request for one more protocol, straight http, plus some decoration. Optional TLS on top would be nice too



Sergio 8 years ago in iPad 0

Sorry for my bad english. nteresting and well structured application, designed exactly for the use of which I need, namely to simplify the ability to write code in the dead time (travel, etc.) even with a mobile device that is normally designed for different uses. Lean and mean. If I may suggest an implementation that could really make a difference, it would be the ability to store and easily retrieve some personal code snippets frequently used. The only drawback however, slightly annoying and too laborious having to create the file on a screen and then having to change for upload to the server in order to return in the previous screen to process it and load it. It can not do so to be able to create the same position?


Send Preview over AirPlay

Scott Borland 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Instead of mirroring iOS device onto another display Apple TV, how about send just the preview to the second display and leave the code in editable on the iOS devise. Live update isn't necessary. It would be neat to hav

Under review

iCloud Sync seems slower since v6

Christian Listl 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1


I used v5 on iPad for a long time and I remember a very responsive start of Textastic even having a lot of files on iCloud. V6 however takes several seconds on a lot (not all) starts of the app showing a wating cursor and then popping up with iCloud folder on left hand side.

Is this expected and tolerated design? Is it possible to speed things up like it was in former version?

If it's not possible to speed up, I'd like to see the former version of Textastic to be downloadable from app store side by side with the new one. You may increase the price for the old one to a ridiculous price (999 Euros) to prevent new user to buy it.

Looking forward to your answer

Under review

edit files in Dropbox

jwoolson 8 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

I want to be able to open and save Dropbox files. Also want to move files from Local or iCloud to Dropbox. I can't do that now.