Under review

keyboard goes missing

lprall 7 years ago in iPad updated by Christopher Bratt 7 years ago 5

I run into a fairly frequent (every few days) where the keyboard goes missing and doesn't want to reappear. The only way I've found to get it back is to quit and relaunch Textastic.

Anyone else seen this? Have any suggestions for getting around it?

Under review

Memory issues in IOS 11

Ted Bahas 7 years ago in iPad updated by Anthony Taylor 7 years ago 21

I am using  CSV and .DB files in this version and it is getting stuck on basic copy and paste functions. If I select all it took more than 30 sec to make the selection. During this time the program was unresponsive. This is stuff that worked very quickly in earlier versions. I am using this with latest iPad 10.5 and running OSX 11

Under review

Stopped importing repository from git2go

Dawson Ginn 7 years ago in iPad updated 7 years ago 2

Textastic seems to have stopped letting me import my repositorys from git2go, not sure what the problem is.

Under review


Xander jara 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

How can i check a python script


Keyboard like swift playground, source e.g.

Baocang Nie 8 years ago in iPad 0

Image 217

Image 218

Under review

Viewport size for Media Query testing

Louis 88 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 2

It would be wonderful to be able to select a size or device size when viewing files on iPad so that true mobile testing can take place.  

Perhaps a few select sizes, such as mobile, tablet, and desktop to begin, or perhaps a width and height control for viewing how Media Queries are behaving?

Thank you for taking this into consideration....and I could never tire of thanking you for the wonderful app you have provided.  I really enjoy using it and feel very confident developing website solely on my iPad Pro.  


Please consider the possibility of contextual display a document relative to the position of the cursor.

Larry E 8 years ago in iPad 0

The mainfame editor, ISPF, provides the capability to display a document based upon the position of the cursor: Relative to the line on which the cursor appears, the line of the document is positioned to the top, middle, or bottom of the screen. EMACS and Vim also enable this functionality via "Line to Top", "Line to Middle", etc. 

Please consider the possibility to include this functionality to facilitate program development and text editing by displaying portions of the document relative to position of the cursor.

Under review

"Open from" window closes when large repos present in working copy

JerTurowetz 8 years ago in iPad updated 8 years ago 2

I cloned the Drupal core and now when trying to open from working copy , the open window just shuts off. Kind of annoying as I couldn't even open a different repo.

Under review

codepen push support

Sascha 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

Codepen has pretty simple API and allow pushing of content to prefill pens. This is maybe some kind of export,