
Crash when performing CMD + left arrow and cursor gets to start of line

DCarrs 5 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 2

In a new Textastic window type any text with multiple word, then click Cmd+ left arrow to jump over typed words, when cursor arrives at very first position it crashes.


I love this editor, and I'd like to ask for a tiny feature: CMD-V for pasting text.

jpmens 5 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 12

CMD-X, CMD-C are there, it's just CMD-V which IMO is missing.

Under review

Find and replace across files

sanjivgupta1 5 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 2

Hi, how do I find and replace text across multiple files in Mac? Seems pretty basic. thanks much, Sanjiv 


oracle pl/sql editor

Hary 5 years ago 0

I can't find "pl/sql" in the languages list. I bought this app just to work with pl/sql. Is there a way to add it to the app?


Under review

Every old file opens when starting Textastic

fmbns 5 years ago updated by tmann 5 years ago 3

This was fixed in a previous update but when I updated to OS 10.14.6, it's back. Whenever I open Textastic, it opens every old file I've edited over the past month. It's getting to the point that it takes me a few minutes to close them all out. I have this option deselected in preferences but it's still happening. I really enjoy Textastic but this is a killer. Help!


Block mark and insert

Jmm 5 years ago 0

Ability to mark a block of columns to mark copy cut or paste would be useful for columnar data.

Old IBM PC E3 editor had this feature.


where I can click to run my website code in safari our another browser?

AlexUA 6 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

Revert or save

wjb777 6 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

Hi I use Textastic a lot and never close it until there is a system update. Before the update I close and save all open documents. When I reopen textastic it presents me with a host of open documents and for about 25% I have to make a decision to revert or save. My guess is revert but as it takes me 10 mins just to close the tabs and click that option while keeping my fingers crossed. Is there a work round?

Under review

Textastic quit unexpectedly.

curt 6 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

I am getting a repeated error:

Textastic quit unexpectedly.

I have been using the app as recently as a couple of hours ago... 


Suggestion: short-cut to trim returns

Jun 6 years ago 0

Hello! One of the occasional features that I long for, is a shortcut to remove all the returns from a selection.

So for example from a bad cut-paste from a pdf file, I'll often end up with weird breaks/returns, when I really just want a single paragraph.
