Under review

Set custom template directory

Bachsau 7 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 1

I would like Textastic to use my templates from a cloud synced directory. I tried with a symbolic link, but it didn't work because of the sandbox. If you could add a configuration option together with a file dialog, it would be possible to use templates from every directory on the system.

Under review

Switch sideview tab shadow?

Dean 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

The shadow effect in the side view for tabs [Folders] and [Find] should be switched.

See the current implementation below.

[Folders] pops up to the eyes because it looks to be closer.

In fact, it's the [Find] tab that is active.

It's confusing because the editor tabs on the right follow the usual rule in which the active tab comes to the front. 

How about switching the shadow effect between [Folders] and [Find]?

It should not take too much time, I suppose...


how do i make the text bigger.it is to small for me

bepvand 7 years ago 0

Running code on MAC and iPad

William~~ 7 years ago 0

Hi everyone,

Would it be possible to run Python/R/MATLAB/SQL/LaTeX code on MAC via textastic? If so, could you tell me the instructions? Also, it is possible to run Python/R/MATLAB/SQL/LaTeX on iPad?

Thank you in advance,



Dear there is an issue when I open many dialog first can't move with mouse between last tabs and I don't have option to close last tabs. you have to make it like TextEdit original software for MAC at least . IF you don't understanding me you can use Te

Turki Al Shikh 7 years ago 0

Dear there is  an issue when I open many dialog first can't move with mouse between last tabs and I don't have option to close last tabs.   you have to make it like TextEdit original software for MAC at least .
IF you don't understanding me you can use TextEdit on Mac and try to open many tabs 50 tabs , then try to move between tabs with mouse very simple and smooth  .

Under review

Please add on the find feature tab find and replace. and find and replace all please

S0U1SB4N3 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

I want to be able to search for a word and do a replacement like standard ctrl-f find/replace has on all other text editors please.


Trial questions

ken 7 years ago 0

Why is every option under the "Edit | Format" menu not available?

Why are URLs underlined, but not clickable?

Under review

Scroll past end?

Emilia 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

I am ending up coding at the bottom of the page a lot which means that the auto-complete menus are a bit difficult to use as well as it just not being comfortable to use in that way.
I was wondering if there was a way of scrolling past the end so that I could keep where I’m writing a bit more central.

I saw that this was suggested 2 years go and then dismissed, however, I think it is becoming more popular in other apps e.g. Atom

Apologies for the duplicate post in this regard but I wondered if you were going to review it again or if it was closed and wasn't sure if reviving the old idea was correct or not.


Option for standard application quit

Dalibor Sliva 8 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 8

I'm using Textastic from the begining and I like it a lot, I appreciate your work. But it would be nice to add an option "don't close application when last window is closed", because it's more Mac OS standard behaviour what some applications does not respect including Textastic and personally it's annoying in some use case. Can you please do that? Thanks

Under review

Shortcut Re-indent

Thomas Etcheverria 8 years ago updated by MrMen 8 years ago 3


I'm actually rebinding all Textastic shortcuts for my needs.

As Re-Indent as no default shortcut, it seems I can't add it inside Preferences as the others.

Is there any workaround ?