
Does Textstatic work with Private key ED25519 Encryption ?

mikec 6 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 2

OpenDyslexic Mono font

Alex Austin 6 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

The OpenDyslexic Mono font is much easier for dyslexics to read. Could it be added?

Under review

HTML won’t run

marc chanliau 6 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

I have a simple HTML file that uses a simple external JS script and when I open the HTML file locally in Textastic, I get a blank page. Here are the files. Both files are in the same folder In Textastic. 


<html><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>WebPage for JS Programs</title> </head><body> <script type="text/javascript" src="./program1.js"> </script> </body></html>


document.writeln('Hello World');


Not a bug

Textastic folder does not sync in Windows 10

Adrian 6 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 3

I had no trouble reading from and saving to the Textastic folder (in iCloud) on my old Windows 10 laptop. But the same is not true for my new ThinkPad 580. Note - it has the latest updates to Windows 10 while my old laptop is a couple of updates behind.

In my new ThinkPad, the Textastic folder shows only one of several child folders, and inside that lone folder, shows no files at all. There are in fact nearly a hundred files, mainly html. It has been several weeks now, and there has been no improvement.

What could be causing this? Is there a fix?


Files iOS app drag and drop not possible

Pabloc 6 years ago in General 0

Files app on ios: I have grey out little icon on top of the file that I want to drag and drop in the Textastic folder in iCloud (no issue for other folders in iCloud). Anyone having the same issue? I tried on iPad and iPhone. However when I go to the iCloud folder on my Mac, I don't have any issues.


Usage of the built-in, accessible File-Storage

textasticapp 6 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

Your Tool is great for editing ... the use case, I originally downloaded it for, was the possibility to download some files from a SSH host to my iPad – especially videos for a training. It would be great, if the “local files” of Textastic would be accessible through the “Files” App of the iPad =)


Webdav does not work with wired internet connection.

Oscar Chen 6 years ago in General 0

On my iPad that is connected to internet via a ethernet adapter and whose Wi-Fi is turned off, the WebDAV gives me the error "No Wifi availiable".


Error reading ssh private key

anders 6 years ago in iPad updated by Robert Masen 6 years ago 2

I get an error when trying to use ssh to access a server. I get the following error:

ERROR: Public key authentication failed: Unable to extract public key from private key file: Wrong passphrase or invalid/un recognized

I copied the private and public key files from iCloud storage into a ssh sub folder in local files.

The private key isn’t password protected.

Under review

All remote device addresses get the same changes

Sawadee 6 years ago in iPhone updated 6 years ago 7

If I make changes in Remote connections list IP address or remote directory to open upon connection all remote connections in the list have the same changes. This makes the app useless except to connect to one remote device. I am unable to save 2 or more device address locations as they are all being edited

Under review

Warum gibt es kein file Sharing mit iTunes?

Kiki 6 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1