
iOS 13: Unable to select a folder using “Open File or Folder”

George Bougakov 6 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 13

On iOS 13 you can no longer select external folders in the standard  UIDocumentPickerViewController

My proposed fix

1. Separate the “Open file or folder” button into an “Open file” button and “Open folder” button

2. Do not do anything with the “Open file” button. Everything works fine already.

3. When user taps “Open folder” button, present a document picker initialized with 

UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: [kUTTypeFolder as String],
                                   in: .open)

BTW, there’s actually a tutorial from Apple about providing access to directories here


Highlight current line

jangelsb 6 years ago in General 0

Similar to Sublime text, it would be awesome to have an option highlight the current line of which the cursor is on (color would be based on the theme) 


ssh need powerline fonts

Edward Cullen 7 years ago in General 0

Ability to edit any file extensions from Files app in iOS11

Walid 7 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 6

a lot of file extensions are not associated or having the option to open them with textastic app using Files/iCloud/OneDrive/etc..

Please add the ability to edit any text based file extension from there. 

Under review

Support for 1Password

StuFF mc 8 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

When I add a new FTP I'd like to be able to use 1Password.


Add markdown preview with custom css

Fabrice Moulin 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1
Export markdown on pdf with sole personal css, And this soft Will perfect for me

Autocompletion/syntax highlighting for jQuery would be nice

Robert Crooks 12 years ago in General 0

The JavaScript support is already great, but help with the jQuery functions would be a big time-saver as well.


Universal app

György Mérei 13 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 4 1 duplicate
Please make the app universal and not separate iPhone and iPad versions.
Under review

Add default markdown stylsheet that works for email

Mike Ware 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0
It would be great to have the ability to save a style sheet that the Markdown processor would use for rendering without having to link it. If this could also be used when rendering for the "Send as Message" function it would be fantastic. So many times I need to send a formatted email from iOS. I can do this with TexTastic, but the default styles just don't work for me


7zip (7z) Support would be great!

Vitr 13 years ago in General updated by kerrymanam 9 years ago 0
Please allow unzipping 7zip (.7z) files