
Why can't Textastic compile or run code other than HTML/JavaScript?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago in General updated 10 years ago 2
Other apps can run code on the device. Can this be added to Textastic? What about PHP?
Under review

Untitled X: Please fix the counter for new file, it remembers the number of new files even all are closed, next new file will be named Untitled X where X is accumulated.

Haozhe Xu 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
it remembers the number of new files even all are closed, next new file will be named Untitled X where X is accumulated.

Select and Edit in columns - like in textmate.

SCA 9 years ago in General 0

I miss the columnar selection and edit options in textmate. Specially the edit.


Facilitate easier positioning by improving the cursor wheel

Dasmagicspell 11 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

Instead of moving the cursor multiple steps in one direction by pressing and holding one of the cursor arrows (for up, down, left, right), allow the user to set the direction of cursor movement with the first press (up/down or left/right) and determine distance (number of steps) from the initial position using continuous circular motions either clockwise or counterclockwise to move the cursor to positions after (clockwise) or before (counterclockwise) the initial position. Direction and distance from the initial position are more easily controlled. 

For instance, to move the cursor multiple characters to the left of the current (initial) position, press the left (or right) arrow and swipe your finger in a circular motion counterclockwise until the cursor is where you want it. To move the cursor multiple lines up, press the up (or down) arrow and swipe in a continuous counterclockwise circular motion until the desired line before the initial position is reached. 

Tell me if more explanation is needed.


Logging to troubleshoot WebDAV?

-10343 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

I'm having trouble connecting to my cubby.com via WebDAV (which works OK with other clients). 

I know WebDAV implementations have their vaguaries, and you're not going to be able to check compatibility with every server out there.

If WebDAV connections could be logged (perhaps via email, or to a folder accessible via the built-in WebDAV server), it might help to know who to follow up with (in this case, you or cubby.com).



background copy

David Edson 11 years ago in General 0
please allow scp copy actions to run in the background even when the app is switched to another app.

"Replace all" broken

Peter Aisher 9 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 2
Replace all button does nothing in current version for iOS.

It has worked for me once but I wasn't able to reproduce it.
In order to speed up the replacement, Textastic uses a different code path when there are more than 15 strings to replace. Unforunately there is a bug in this code path in the latest version.

So, "Replace All" should work if you have less than 15 search results, but currently won't work if there are at least 15 search results.

Cursoring above the first line has an odd effect

Chris Luke 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

I'm using a bluetooth keyboard. If on the first line of a document I cursor-key upwards, the cursor does not move (naturally) and the displayed line number stays as one, as expected. However, it appears to count however many lines before the start I up-arrow to, since if I di it 7 times, I then need to press 'down' 7    times before the cursor starts moving again!

Version 4.3

This will be fixed in the next update

Under review

Can you add support for .conf files?

Josh Muccio 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1

Job Updates

mbahesh 5 years ago in General 0
Government Jobs offer an opportunity to turn your aspirations into reality. If you aspire to work in the mainstream and be a part of the nation’s economic development, a job in the Government Sector may be the best option for you. Every year a number of job opportunities become available in the Government Sector and kvsrodelhi makes you available those. Lakhs of vacancies are expected to be created this year also, encompassing important sectors like Degree based government jobs , Banking, Railways, Insurance, Civil Services, Medical Government jobs , Media, Defense, and many more.