Focus in open files

Sladgo Michalski 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

When switching betweeen open files the focus should stay at last position. Thank you :)


Perl: Bit Operator "<<" is interpreted as #

Stefan Theurer 9 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1

I have a *.pm-File with the line

$chScale = (1 << TSL2561_LUX_CHSCALE);

Textastic prints everything green below the bit-operator <<

Image 135


AirDrop for Files, Folders, Zip archives (Through the file manager side).

Vertigo Bird 9 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1

I've made a connection to the Mac via Sftp, and that works well. That said, I think AirDrop is a faster method and moving files, folders, and zip archives to the Mac would be a good candidate for its use. Texttastic already is a destination (Open in …) when receiving AirDrop.

Under review

Bug:While keyboard open uploading files, does not upload

Diego Chuman 10 years ago in General updated 10 years ago 4
Whilst I'm typing and I tap on the share looking button to update the file I've edited, it shows a window that never loads, only if I lower the keyboard and THEN tap on the icon it works. Small bug though big help for rushing through hundreds of lines of code and updating something quick!

Specify theme per file type or connection

echooddbodge 12 years ago in General 0

Hi, sorry couldnt see how to do this via searches.


Is it possible to ask for themes per file type, or per connection.


I edit old school Fortran, C and C ++ on one connection, and asp.net/c# sql on another onnection.


This is very minor, but i currecntly change the theme manually when swithcing between them. C dosnt look good at all when viewing in the asp theme i use.

Love the app btw :-)

Under review

Bug: Dark themed keyboard on hiding flashes white

Steven Lu 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 3
I have a video: 


Pay attention at about 9 seconds in. Keyboard appears to flash back to white layout before it animates down. Quite a visual blemish.

View dynamically generated code

Richard Whent 10 years ago in General 0
It would be awesome to be able to view the source code when viewing and testing pages, so that dynamically generated code can be debugged.

Import .jpg changes suffix to .jpeg ("Open In")

Norman Posselt 11 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3

Importing a .jpg using "Open In" causes a rename to .jpeg – This is sort of ‘uncool’. Would be nice to see that the file suffix doesn't change. So far, great app!


Change the ratings from 17+ to 12+

Jey C 9 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1

you don't really have unrestricted web access so why leave it like that



You can enter arbitrary URLs when you open the preview screen and switch from Local to Remote, so this is necessary.