
Support for HCL (Hasicorp Configuration Language)

Kevin Kirkpatrick 8 years ago in General updated 8 years ago 0

"HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) is a configuration language built by HashiCorp. The goal of HCL is to build a structured configuration language that is both human and machine friendly for use with command-line tools, but specifically targeted towards DevOps tools, servers, etc."



Edit multiple section of a document simultaneously

John G 9 years ago in General 0

Have the ability to select multiple parts of the document and edit it at the same time. Similar to a feature sublime text editor has.


Please add Julia to the list of supported languages

Richard Bailey 11 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 4
Lots of users - this would be very much appreciated!
Excellent app, by the way!!

Linked folder

Lingnan Dai 12 years ago in General updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

The editor interface is great, but file creation flow for the remote server is too slow. We need to first create a file locally, then edit it, then upload manually onto the server. Why don't just support *Link* for folders? When I download a folder from a server, it should be linked to the remote server and any new files I add into the folder should just be automatically uploaded into the same folder in the server.


How about adding a php runtime just like kodiak?

Phpmavern 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

Add php runtime to allow running php scripts locally.  I have kodiak installed on my ipad which does just that. Textastic could benefit. 


Support Github Flavored Markdown would be cool

nobody 2 years ago in General updated by Richard Joubert 2 years ago 1

Support Github Flavored Markdown would be great, considering it can show highlighted code, which is cool.

Under review

Sort Lines

Marek Omasta 3 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 years ago 1

I’d love to be able to sort lines in a text file. 

It’s useful for collecting data from websites and editing CSVs, i18n files, shell scripts or plain old text.

Usually to detect repetitive junk.

In some editors, Delete Duplicate Lines is part of it.

Here are examples from VS Code, Sublime Text, IntelliJ IDEA and gedit:

Image 505

Image 506Image 507Image 508Image 509

iPhone is my primary device now and apps such as Textastic allow me to get many things done on the go, without having to use my laptop.

Thank you!


Dockerfile syntax support

Björn Kimminich 4 years ago in General updated by Richard Joubert 2 years ago 2

Please add syntax support for Dockerfile and .dockerfile files. Thanks!



Matthias Stein 4 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 1 year ago 2


first thank you for this very good app. Could you perhaps consider adding org mode support?

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto-indent by header level
  • Header folding

would already be very helpful.

Thank you

Kind Regards



You can add custom syntax definitions to Textastic by using TextMate bundles or Sublime Text packages. See


This TextMate bundle should work:



SSH Port Forwarding

olli 5 years ago in General 0

I started trying to use my iPad for programming purposes with server side languages (e.g. PHP). While a workflow of having to upload the files to a test server via SFTP and then reloading a browser window is doable, what I don‘t enjoy is having to have the web server be publicly available. I can use Termius to open an SSH connection and then forward the web server port to my iPad localhost. This workflow works fine, as long as I have both apps open in split screen view, otherwise Termius will drop the connection. So then I have to have the browser window in Slide Over mode, making reloading quite awkward.

Would it be possible to add the local port forwarding feature to the built in SSH client, which can already keep running together with editor windows? That would make the workflow a lot smoother, without having to have the webserver be exposed.