Add option to convert text encodings. For example to read chinese files (GB18030) you need to convert to unicode (UTF-8).

Freemen Muaddib 1 year ago in General updated 1 year ago 2

Add option to convert text encodings. For example to read chinese (GB18030) you need to convert to unicode (UTF-8).

Currently changing the encoding settings from the info panel does not convert the encoding of the file.


Tap and hold a file and choose "Open with Encoding..." from the menu to select the encoding with which to open the file. 

This is described in the manual at https://www.textasticapp.com/v9/manual/viewing_editing_files/character_encoding.html

Under review

ftp login denied

Wolf Thandoy 2 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 2

iPad OS 16.3 and iPhone OS 16.3 - first login attempts with new devices - siteground account, same login details as successful macOS Ventura - server support equally flummoxed


Svelte language support.

itzTheMeow_ 2 years ago in General 0

Highlighting support for *.svelte files.


Trial version

Michael Edwards 2 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 0

A limited or timed trial would be nice. I’ve spent money on other apps and been disappointed on first open. A trial or inapp purchase would fix that anxiety


ssh totp 2 factor

Andreas Heß 2 years ago in General updated by Jacob Lundqvist 2 years ago 1

Please add support for 2 factor authentication. I use google-authenticator on all my servers and can't use it via textastic. I need another ssh app to do so.

Under review

Vue support

Noodle 2 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

Can you add syntax highlighting support for Vue files please and thank you?

Also, formatting and linting engines in the long term would be dope AF. You're basically the vscode of mobile devices!

Under review

Yubikey 5CI + PKCS#11 or ed25519-sk support

Fido94 2 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

Does Textastic support the use of Yubikey 5ci with either PKCS#11 or ed25519-sk ssh keys? My company does not permit private keys to reside on anything but smart tokens. I would love to be able to use my iphone / ipad for remote access and editing


Please support Z80 Assembler (ZX81, ZX Spectrum etc)

Mrplant 3 years ago in General updated 3 years ago 3

You can add custom syntax definitions to Textastic by using TextMate bundles or Sublime Text packages. See

A search for "Z80 Assembly Sublime Text" brought up this Sublime Text package which should work:


Just put the file "Z80Assembly.tmLanguage.sublime-syntax" into the folder "Local Files/#Textastic/Z80/" and reload customizations. Then you should be able to select "Z80 Assembly" as a syntax definition in the file properties.

Here's how to get the file on an iPad:

  • Go to https://github.com/mrcook/Z80Assembly in Safari.
  • Tap the green "Code" button and select "Download ZIP".
  • Unzip the file in the Files app.
  • Copy the file "Z80Assembly.tmLanguage.sublime-syntax" to "On my iPad/Textastic/#Textastic/Z80/".
Under review

Terminal graphics protocol support

bunker formidler0d 3 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 years ago 1

Although Textastic is primarily a text editor, I think it is also the best terminal emulator for iOS and iPadOS. I often use Textastic to SSH into a Linux machine, and much of my work involves making image files. Ideally, I would be able to run a command like imcat on the Linux machine that would display an image in the Textastic terminal. I believe this would be possible in principle using the Terminal Graphics Protocol

Under review

Syntax additions - converting vscode extensions?

Scott Willsey 3 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 years ago 2

Pretend I’m an idiot when it comes to language syntaxes in editors. I understand that Textastic is customizable but I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around how to import/create a syntax.

I want to add Astro support to Textastic. They have language tools based on LSP (https://github.com/withastro/language-tools) but I don’t even know how to begin trying to integrate this into a syntax for Textastic.

Anyone have any examples of how they did this kind of thing from scratch?
