Your comments

It looks like the CSS syntax definition doesn't include "sticky" yet. But, it should work in the web preview.

When Textastic shows the document picker, it tells the system that it is able to open the following document types (UTI or uniform type identifiers):

public.text, public.plain-text, public.source-code, and public.script

It is up to the document provider (Google Drive in this case) to match the document types to the files it provides. Google Docs files are not plain text files, so they are greyed out.

I tried the following:

- open a .json file in Textastic

- tap on the action button, select "Open In…" and choose "Copy to Drive"

- the file is saved in Google Drive

- I could now successfully use "Open…" and select the .json file in Google Drive

I tried the same with a .txt file and it worked without problems.

I also uploaded a .txt and an .html file on my desktop computer using and could successfully open it using the Open… command in Textastic.

The whole system only works if the file extension is known to the system. An extension like ".abc" is not known to the system and cannot work.

Despite installing the bundle, the .asc file extension is not know to iOS, so "Open in" or the document picker cannot work for this file extension. You need to either copy the file directly into Textastic's iCloud Drive folder and use "iCloud" below "Local Files" in Textastic to open it, or use other means like Dropbox or FTP to download the file to Textastic.

The preview only supports HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Markdown.

Yes, you can delete a post using "Delete" in the Actions bar on the right side.

I'll delete the topic!

Yes, this seems to be a bug in iOS 9 and a reboot usually fixes it. :(

You can add custom syntax definitions to Textastic by using TextMate bundles. See
A quick search for "Gherkin tmbundle" in Google brought up this TextMate bundle which may work:

Do you have screenshots or a step-by-step list so I can try to reproduce the problem on my device?