Under review
Translate an Atom syntax definition: Syntax support for OpenDSS
How can I create a .tmbundle package for OpenDSS scripts?
OpenDSS is an electric power Distribution System Simulator based on plain-text scripts. This software is used by a number of electrical engineers around the globe (+46.000 downloads since 2008).
We have a basic syntax definition for Notepad++ and a more comprehensive language definition for Atom. Is there any way to translate those definitions to the TextMate format? (I don't have access to TextMate).
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Atom language definition: language-opendss package
It looks like it is possible to convert TextMate bundles to Atom packages (see http://flight-manual.atom.io/hacking-atom/sections/converting-from-textmate/), but there currently seems to be no tool to convert from an Atom package back to a TextMate bundle.
It should be possible to do this by hand though, since it's basically just a different file format (property list instead of CSON).
Notepad++ syntax file (OpenDSS_syntax_NotepadPlusPlus.xml):
<!-- Latest update: 2/4/2015 -->
<!-- TO INSTALL: open latest version of NotepadPP and go to Language menu, Define your language... -->
<!-- If there are any languages on the "User language" drop-down menu, select and remove them -->
<!-- Import this file and close the window. Now open a *.dss file and verify that the syntax is highlighted correctly -->
<UserLang name="OpenDSS" ext="dss" udlVersion="2.1">
<Global caseIgnored="yes" allowFoldOfComments="yes" foldCompact="no" forcePureLC="0" decimalSeparator="0" />
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