Your comments

Which syntax definition or type of file are you using?

You can find a character count and word count in the file properties. See

But, this is for the whole document, not for the selected text.

Thanks, I'll take a look!

Sounds useful. Which editors do you know that have this feature? 

On macOS, you can actually change the behavior in system settings:

Go to System Settings -> Desktop & Dock and enable "Ask to keep changes when closing documents".

When you now close a file that you changed accidentally, you will be asked if you want to save your changes or revert the changes "to undo the changes since you last saved the document".

This is now fixed in Textastic 10.3.1 which was just released.

Do you see any other file extensions that are affected or is it just ".ts"?

Thanks a lot for letting me know about this issue. .ts files seem to be indeed interpreted as MPEG stream files instead of TypeScript.

As a workaround, tap and hold the file to show the context menu and select "Open as text file".

I'll prepare an update with a fix soon.

In Textastic 10.3, which was released today, you can now set the minimum and maximum TLS version for FTPS connections.

If you encounter the "partial upload" error while uploading files using FTPS, please try setting the maximum TLS version to 1.2 as a workaround.