Your comments

I'm currently working with the developer of Working Copy to improve the experience. In Working Copy, you will be able to choose "Edit in Textastic" to open a file from Working Copy in Textastic. You can then make changes in Textastic and choose "Save in Working Copy" in the Textastic action menu which will save back your changes to Working Copy and ask if you want to commit.

In Textastic, files opened like that will have file names like "filename_wc#1A2B3.txt" and will be under Local Files in the Working Copy subfolder. You can upload those files to remote servers and the file will automatically be uploaded as "filename.txt".

With iOS 9 multi-tasking on iPad you can then open Working Copy as a Slide Over which makes it pretty convenient to edit several files in the same repository using Textastic.
Please try to reboot your device. It fixed a similar issue for me.
Hello, can you please try to reboot your devices? Sometimes it can fix issues like that (unfortunately).
I don't think I have changed the Sublime Text .tmlanguage file when packaging it for Textastic. It should work without changes. If it doesn't, I'd say that this is a bug in the .tmlanguage file...
You can add custom syntax definitions to Textastic by using TextMate bundles. SeeYou should be able to use the TextMate bundle you linked to:
Can you please send me the HTML file so I can try it on my own device?
If you add "<?php" in a fenced code block, you also need to add "?>" to finish the php block. This is the same behavior as in Sublime Text and TextMate which use the same language grammars.