Under review

Markdown highlighting issue with php code snippets

DJ Sipe 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1
When editing a markdown document, if you use the following markdown you break the syntax highlighting for the rest of the document.

// Some php code

If you remove the "<?php" from the code sample the issue goes away.

Option for hiding system-hidden files in sidebar

martek01 10 years ago 0
It would be handy if I could hide system-hidden files like .git files in the statusbar

Open doesn't do anything

Terry Cabeen 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1
I've tried File / Open as well as cmd+o. The app seems to want to do something, but nothing actually happens. I can open files through recent files only.


Can folders be saved in the left side?

Tristan Lueking 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 4

Is it possible to save the last opened folders in the left side like sublime? Only thing keeping me from using Textastic as its annoying to have to reopen all the folders I was previously working in every time I reopen the program.


Changing the file encoding has done something terrible.

Alice Bevan-McGregor 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 4

Apologies for the somewhat non-specific title.

All of my files should be in UTF-8.  For source code it doesn't really matter (since valid symbols are in the ASCII 7-bit range and the primary base language is English) but when editing a gettext .po symbols file to update some of the translations I noticed, too late, that the encoding that was selected was ISO-8859-1†.  Before changing it, all of the previously UTF-8 text looked fine, or at least, I didn't notice any problems.  After changing the encoding back to UTF-8 and saving the file (where the file looks OK in the editor) and recompiling my .po file, the webapp encoding is completely destroyed.  Closing and re-opening the file, I get text like:

"les données à  une analyse"

The webapp presented this even worse if I attempted to manually set the browser encoding to ISO 8859-1; double conversion is ugly business.  Luckily I version control everything, so it could be rolled back, but a close look needs to be given to how Textastic handles file encoding.  So far I haven't been able to reproduce, but I will try to create a basic test case for you after work.

† Incorrectly called "ISO Latin 1" in your menus; it's "Latin 1" or "ISO 8859-1"… only Microsoft calls it by a mixed name as ISO standards are all numbered. ;)  More correct would be "Western (ISO 8859-1, Latin 1)", same for all of the other ISO 8859 variants, but that's a separate issue.

Under review

Ability to extend Textastic via script (python or javascript)

mako 9 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 1
Would be great if you could create scripts (Javascript?) to extend Textastic, similar to menu actions in TextMate. For example, if I could create a script to "Reformat a JSON document" or "Validate Syntax". Basically, trying to think of a simple (and sandbox-safe) way to extend Textastic functionality with script extensions.

Textastic for Mac is not saving preferences

Dariusz Owczarek 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 18

Textastic for Mac is not saving preferences.

It works on one of my machines, but not on the other.

I've tried to remove preference files, application, but it haven't helped.


Window stuck in dock

Ian C 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 4

If you turn on "Minimize Windows in to Application Icon" in Dock Preferences, and then minimise the Textastic window, there is no way to get it back! With other apps (e.g. Calculator, Mail) clicking on the app icon de-minimises any docked window, but with Textastic, all that happens is the menu bar comes to the front.


This will be fixed in the next update.


Tab bar height corruption

FAM 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 5

The tab bar height is messed when Textastic goes fullscreen after returning from document version history.

(Sorry if the fullscreen screenshots are big to show!)

Here what I've do:

- Create a new document:

- Move fullscreen, then go to browse document versions history:

- Now Textastic automatically exits fullscreen mode to go windowed mode, then enters the time machine like document history.

When I exit document history Textastic again first go windowed mode then automatically return fullscreen mode.

And this is what I get:

Manually going back to windowed mode doesn't help, the only solution is to close the window:

I can reproduce this bug every time, it's just a matter to enter document history when in fullscreen.


Thanks for the detailed description. The screenshots are very helpful. I'll try to fix this.

Update: it will be fixed in the next update