
Text entry sluggish

Matthijs van Polen 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 11
Not sure if it's a bug, but text editing is quite laggy. I type the characters (Bluetooth keyboard or on screen, doesn't matter) and then I slowly see them appear. This is especially annoying when deleting text.
Textastic uses the CATiledLayer class to draw the text in background threads. This is the same class that is used in the Maps app which fades in Google Maps layers as soon as they are loaded from the internet.

So, the text isn't displayed immediately, but drawn in the background and then faded in. This makes it look slightly sluggish, especially because the screen is drawn in tiles and several tiles have to be drawn and faded in. This is especially noticable with external keyboards, because then there's a bigger screen areay that has to be drawn.

But, this makes scrolling and zooming very fast even with big text files and CATiledLayer makes good use of the limited memory available on the iPad.

I see what you mean, but I think it's acceptable. I'll see if I can improve drawing in a future version, but right now it's not a priority.

I can work ANYWHERE now!

Dan Eveland 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
I was laid off in September after 21 in corporate America. I was actually in the hospital for an emergency c-section when they called me. Since then I have been doing freelance web development. With textastic I can work anywhere! THANK YOU!

Excellent app

hemmasoft 13 years ago 0

Q: How to sync directory changes

Anne Brown 14 years ago updated by Anne Brown 14 years ago 2
I connected via SFTF to my server. What if the directory structure on the server or the iPad changes? How to sync directory changes?

Xlnt App and web site.

Text Expander snippets don't expand the first time if there is not a space before the shortcut

Brian Byrd 9 years ago in iPad 0

My primary use of Text Expander (TE) is to insert HTML tags. For example, I have set up a snippet so that when I type p; it is expanded to <br><br>

In Textastic, when I type

Hello World.p;

the p; does not expand the first time. When I erase the p; and type it again, then it expands as it is supposed to. But when I put a space before the snippet shortcut, it works the first time:

Hello Word. p;

I think TE snippet shortcuts should expand immediately the first time, without having to erase and retype them, and without having to put an unnecessary and unwanted space before them.

Thank you for checking into this. BTW, I love your app ... keep up the awesome work!


Syntax Highting for C

Koga Osamu 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
It seems preprocessor directive #else is not highlighted.
Also, directives often have some spaces between # and keyword for indent(like # if) but currently it isn't highlighted correctly, so i'd be glad if you would support it.

Auto-correct bug

Noel Rappin 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Auto correct appears to have a problem when the corrected text is a different length then the original text -- the autocorrect replacement leaves some of the original text in place. So "its" auto-corrected to "it's" becomes "iit's".
This is fixed for Textastic 2.1.

Writing Japanese........

hiro 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 3
Thank you for great app.

To view source code that has Japanese character with Textastic is all right. I enjoy it.
 But, to write Japanese is in trouble.

I delete Japanese string that is not determinate, and Textastic crash.
Not determinate string is following.

How to write Japanese with keyboard.
1. Type phrase's pronounce (and hiragana string is displayed. The string is not determinate.)
2. If the phrase consist of only hiragana, press return key (The string is determinate). Return 1.
3. Else if kanji is included in the word, type space key (select from some strings) and press return key (The string is determinate). Return 1.
Fixed problem for the next version.

Natural Cursor Positioning, Like a Trackpad

Casey Anderson 9 years ago in iPad updated by David Millar 7 years ago 1

This app is great except cursor positioning is painfully unrealistic for great productivity. It's because we are dealing with code where the cursor needs to be moved constantly and at precise locations.

The Codea app has MASTERED THIS. They simply provide two new keyboard keys in the center of the top row. You tap and hold the key, then move your finger and the cursor moves in parallel. It feels so natural as if I am using the trackpad on my MacBook Pro. One button is for regular movement and the other selects text. Productivity will improve 4 fold with this. I would use Codea instead but it's not a general purpose editor.

Image 137

Screenshot of the Codea app.


How to define new code completions?

Florian Lücke 12 years ago in General updated by Teddy Svoronos 9 years ago 9

I know there are examples for custom completion files, but somehow I just don't get it. I would really like code completion for LaTeX on my iPad, so I copied one of the example files, generated a new uuid on my MacBook using uuidgen and changed some stuff around, then uploaded the file to my iPad and restarted Textastic, but the code completion window won't show up. I feel like my main problem is the pattern in the context part of the file. Which kind of regex does Textastic use? Textmate uses Oniguruma Regular Expressions, does Textastic, too? Also, what happens if the regex matches/does not match?

I thought it should be fairly easy to create those files, but unfortunately the git repository has not been updated for almost a year and the file format is not documented :( Help is greatly apreciated!