Under review

Distraction free mode

minoskt 7 years ago in iPad updated 7 years ago 2


Your iOS editor is amazing and by far the best in iOS.

I was wandering if it would be possible to support a “Distraction Free Mode”, similar to what Sublime has in macOS. I use Textastic for Latex writing in iOS and would be perfect if you could limit the max column size allowed and keep the text in the middle of the screen.

Thank you

Under review

Preview HTML while editing (In a split view - not full screen)

Adamitude 7 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 months ago 10

Currently I edit HTML on my iPad split view and open the same Dropbox file in textastic and Dropbox and use Dropbox to see a live refresh of what I’m doing. It’s great but not perfect as there is a delay. Would be nice if textastic could do both, as it merely shows a preview in full screen. Thanks!


Editing files in iCloud drive

bill obermeyer 7 years ago in General updated by Ara Adkins 7 years ago 5

Have I missed it, or is there no way to edit files on iCloud Drive (except in the Textastic folder)? so much on Macs is now stored/mirrored in iCloud it would be very helpful to edit them in place. 


Find and Replace ADD all open Docs functions

tony schaefer333 7 years ago in iPad 0

I would love you to add a function to the find and replace option. Add the option to find and replace in all open docs. For ipad Pro 12.9 iOS11.1
That would almost make this app perfect.


Column Mode Editing

hpjinn 7 years ago in iPad 0

Please support the Column Mode Editing. Thank you.

Under review

Text zoom with automatic text reflow

victordomingos 8 years ago in iPhone updated by Dante Picchioni 1 year ago 2

When zooming text with the pinching gesture with two fingers, it should automatically adjust text position to match the screen edges and automatically reflow text to fit them. This is specially important on iPhone, as the screen space is very limited. It could be an option in the settings, to allow both ways. 

The desired behaviour can be found, for instance, in an app named Permanote (formerly Nebulous Notes). You pinch the screen and the text adjusts its size and fits the screen, fowing in realtime.


Move cursor/viewport with external keyboard

Craig 8 years ago in General 0

It would be good if Textastic supported moving the text viewport up and down via the external keyboard, in effect moving the line with the cursor up and down the screen. I feel it's pretty common to do with when working with text, and it's very annoying to not be able to do it.


Recents or Favorites in File Transfer view

waynewongrj 8 years ago in General 0

The recent files list is great, and I use it all the time. It would also be great if there was a similar feature—recents or favorites—in the File Transfer view, for quickly going to oftenused local & remote folders.


Please make deleting files safer

madvoid 8 years ago in General 0

Hi, just got the app and I'm loving it so far. However, I'm a little concerned how easy it is to delete files. It would be nice if there were a confirmation box or a trash folder in case of accidental deletion

Under review

Proportional font

Derek 8 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 1

I'd like to request proportional fonts, if possible. Source Sans Pro is a good one.

I'm using working copy to manage writing projects using Markdown and really appreciate Textastic's integration. However, I find writing text (as opposed to code) in mono space fonts kind of ugly.