Under review

Browser Support

VILLMER 3 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 years ago 1

As a developer and daily user of Textastic, providing multiple browser preview options would be nice. Icon would show a list of browsers, etc.


Terminal Emulator in Textastic

S4 • 3 years ago in General updated 3 years ago 1

It would nice to have a sync over devices feature for connections

Ralf 4 years ago 0

It would nice to have a sync over devices feature for the connections and a function to keep the upload/download settings when files are moved to other directorys 

Under review

Increase Undo Capacity

VILLMER 4 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 4 years ago 1

I literally use Textastic every day for a huge amount of work (iPad Pro). It is, by far, the best coding tool I’ve used.

When coding, however, one of the most fundamental things is being able to undo a lot of test work. I don’t know what the current undo level is but it’s not anywhere close enough. I would, at least,  provide an option to increase the step number. To 50, 100, 500… whatever the memory will allow.



GitHub Markdown support

Jamie Maynard 4 years ago 0

Is there any chance of adding GitHub markdown support include:

* todo lists

* code syntax highlighting in the preview

Also might be cool to have different preview themes.

Under review

Line padding bottom

La Unua Paso 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2


Tell me how to make the space between the active line and the bottom border of the editor window? I use Textastic on macos and ios.

Best wishes!


Syntax highlighting for Apache FreeMarker

shurt 4 years ago in General 0

It would be extremely helpful if there was syntax highlighting support for Apache FreeMarker

Under review

SendCode from Editor to Terminal. Shortcut for this?

rmbowers 5 years ago in iPad updated 4 years ago 2

Wonderful software! I am having fun leaning to use my ipad as an alternative to my macpro for some computing.

Question: How to implement two Sublime Text 3 packages, "SendCode" and "SublimeREPL"

Purpose: (of which there may already be a shortcut for) would be to highlight a block of text in an editor (usually R or Python), then use some shortcut (Cmd + E) to send code to the currently open terminal. Is this already possible? If not, would there be a way to use specifically the SendCode package for Sublime Text 3 in Textastic? I have already copied the two SendCode and SublimeREPL directories to my #Textastic directory, but have run Reload Customizations, but to no avail. I can get theme files to work properly, but am not able to correctly implement Sublime packages. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Add cursor navigation wheel to SSH Terminal

matthew 5 years ago in iPad 0

Please add your cursor navigation wheel (text selection not required), to the SSH Terminal, or add better arrow keys.  Would make using a SSH terminal editor much easier, especially if you aren’t using an external keyboard.


terraform syntax highlighting

jeremygaither 5 years ago in General updated by Cynn C. 4 years ago 1

Please consider adding Terraform (HCL) syntax highlighting. Thank you!