Under review

Jinja/yaml syntax highlighting for dealing with SaltStack files.

alek 8 years ago in General updated by Hans Gerwitz 4 years ago 3

Upgrade v5 to v6

Ben van der Beek 9 years ago in General updated by Miha2048 9 years ago 3

App offers an upgrade from v5 to v6 now. But no "upgrade" price, it is the full price for the app again. No upgrade price policy for your devoted users


No Error reporting? Firebug lite does not catch JS errors?

Tom Auger 11 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 years ago 8
My biggest beef with most of the code editors out there is the lack of console logging and error reporting. Correct me if I'm wrong, somebody, but Firebug Lite just doesn't cut it when dealing with JS errors - you know, syntax errors, illegal tokens, undeclared variables, attempting to call a method on an undefined object (a pretty common error), etc.... All the javascript errors that Firebug or Chrome would normally catch on a desktop just aren't caught with FB Lite.

This app needs more robust, built-in error reporting beyond linking in an external library that is, itself, powered by Javascript and so presumably dies as soon as an actual JS error is thrown. What's the point of that? Coffeescript has a pretty robust error logger, and CodePad has a mediocre one, but at least they'll catch the errors in the following, whereas Textastic with Firebug Lite just does nothing at all. You're in good (bad) company: Koder and Kodiac both suffer from the same disease. See the error-ridden code below:

fffx(); // undefined function 
ggg.h() test $< // method on undefined function and then illegal tokens

Not to appear completely negative,the Navigator is epic, and your options for file interchange are best in class.

Just really surprised that you can't really use this app for JS development, since there's no way to report JavaScript errors. Am I mistaken?

Textastic 6.3 adds a new JavaScript console that can show errors in your JavaScript code and allows you to log custom messages using the JavaScript Console object (for example by calling the console.log() method).


Keyboard not open everytime

Myako Toudai 13 years ago updated by Glen Schrader 12 years ago 7
I saw it on my old iPad 1 and my new iPad 2. Sometimes if I write something... closing the keyboard and selecting something, then the keyboard not pop up. 
Then I have to deselect my selection and tapping somewhere to make the cursor blinking at a the selected position... then the keyboard opens and I can make a selection. ( Is that a bug or wanted? )

Happens very often. 

Launcher Center Pro - Support

robert brennan 12 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0

 Would it be possible to add integration/support for Launch Center Pro from AppCubby.  I know there is already a custom URL scheme, but it would be nice to have the icon.  And perhaps the ability to launch Textastic from a URL scheme, and copy the contents of the clipboard to a new file.


Thank you for an amazing piece of software.


I have been trying to use textastic with less (lesscss.org) and I have been unable to get it to preview the HTML file correctly.

Fraser Graham 13 years ago updated by Pedro Grilo 13 years ago 14
I have an HTML file that includes a .less file and then the JavaScript less compiler. When I preview with textastic, Iit appears that none of the JavaScript has executed.

Are there limits on js execution in the preview?

Is it possible to add the abb rapid syntax

Koen Cocquyt 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
In ultraedit i have already the text files for the abb robot programing code( rapid) I missing this option in textasticapp!
Forseen that you have the option "others" in the syntax difinition list in textasticapp

then select the syntax text file , and your own code syntax is installing.


Please honor iOS settings like Spell Checking, Auto-Correction, and Auto-Capitalization. Kudos for the good job!

lux 14 years ago updated by alice 10 years ago 10
Textastic doesn't apply them even if they are active system-wide.
Version 2.0
Added two options to the settings screen:

- Auto-Correction Yes/No
- Auto-Capitalization Yes/No

Both settings default to "No".

This is especially useful when editing plain text files or markdown files.

An option to turn off line numbers

Jan Rychter 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 0
Line numbers make an editor look cool, but their practical utility is near zero — no one uses them for anything except perhaps when dealing with bug reports. They do consume precious screen real estate, especially in vertical mode, and I can see less code because of them.

I'd like to see a preferences option to keep them permanently turned off, so that I can see more code on screen. An option, so that we could switch them on sometimes if needed.

PS: I *love* Textastic!

Version 3.2
This is implemented in Textastic 3.2

Different file icons

anonymous 12 years ago in General 0

I have a suggestion: Make files written in different languages have different file icons! The current icon is perfect for HTML/XML/etc, but not for languages like Java.