
Add Template Files

Nevets 14 years ago updated by Anne Brown 14 years ago 4
When creating a new file there should be an option to select a template. The template is then copied to the new file location and the user can start editing it. These templates could be stored in a special Templates folder to witch the user can add new/custom templates. The template folder can be devided in sub-folders by category or programming language.

PS: This idea can also be applyed to the project ideas of other users (Project Templates)

DropBox online file preview

Dany Lisiansky 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 0
I'm using Textastic both on my iPad and iPhone and its amazing!
The main reason I bought Textastic for iPhone is for presenting objc projects located in my Dropbox account.
And the only feature Textastic miss is the option to preview code from remote servers without actually downloading the files locally.

I'll really appreciate if you'll add this feature in one of the next updates.

Swift syntax highlighting

Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago updated by Richiwalt 5 years ago 8

Mosh protocol for ssh

jsommers 5 years ago in General updated by Garry Harthill 5 years ago 2

I love the built-in ssh terminal.  One way to make it even better would be to add support for the mosh protocol which would allow long-running shells, and for shells to stay “connected” while moving between networks.  

Thanks for making such a nice app!


React JSX Syntax Highlighting is broken

Corvec 5 years ago in General 0

Close tags in JavaScript (e.g., </span>) break syntax highlighting for the rest of the file. Self-closing tags (e.g., <span />) have the same effect. Opening tags work fine, though.

Under review

Scrolling in terminal

iamkick7 6 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 5
I typically use ssh terminal to run my python code so I keep scrolling in the terminal, it would be of great help if there is a keyboard shortcut for scroll in terminal.
Under review

Support TypeScript and React

Torgny 7 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 1

I'd like to see support for TypeScript and React added. What can I do to help? Can I assist writing/porting syntax definitions somehow?


Node.js/TrueScript support.

paladinshiva 7 years ago 0 1 duplicate



I'd love Textastic for Mac with iCloud support

RoPo 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 2
Hi Guys, Textastic is head and shoulders the best text app on the ipad.

Texastic for the mac would be a textgasm!

Textastic for Mac is now available on the Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/textastic/id572491815?mt=12

Under review


Mike Eenkhoorn 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Firstly, i'd like to say that your app justifies the entire cost of the iPad for me. I do almost all my coding now from my iPad = anywhere. It is truly a fantastic app.

The only things I would ask for is code hinting/completion and easy API reference. My suggestion is make in app purchases possible for different languages.

For example, I'm right now coding in action script 3.0. If I could purchase code hinting/completion and an API ref for the language that is an addon to textastic and the API very easily accessible within the app, I would happily pay a few dollars per language for this add on feature.

I wouldn't even worry about space requirements, I'd prefer the API to be off line so it's quick to access when yr coding. I would instantly buy such a feature fore about 5 of my usual languages.

Please do let me know if such a feature does become available.
Thank you. Sounds like a great idea.