
please add global search function.

wolf71 10 years ago in General 0
let user can search all or subdir local storage files. 

Hide Files in Landscape

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 3
Have an option to hide the list of files in landscape orientation to allow editing of files in fullscreen.
Version 1.1
This is now implemented. Will be available in 1.1.

The user now has the option to show or hide the sidebar in landscape and even in portrait orientation. This way, everone can decide if he wants to see the sidebar or not.

ftp folder sync

Chris Richardson 12 years ago in iPad updated by Andrew Berry 6 years ago 8

Not sure whether this is a question or a feature request but here goes:

My workflow; sftp server (mac-mini) files to ipad, edit using textastic, upload changes to server and run against node using ssh and the prompt app. test the changes using ios safari.

The part that works less well for me is trying to keep the server in sync. Is there an easy way to manage [added|deleted] [files|folders]? I am thinking a sync button which i can associate with a folder and it uses the local copy as the master (only local changes occur).

If this isn't currently possible then might i suggest a queue of pending ftp commands which watches for local changes? This could be managed by setting a folder as a "project" and then the "project" button could show a list of projects with an option to upload or download (completely replace local copy). 

A spin off of this could be the ability to launch the preview browser in remote mode at the index.html of the project. This would save me app switching.

Or do i have the workflow all wrong?

Under review

Edit Syntax Highlighting Definition Files

tom reussner 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
I would prefer to have access to the underlying syntax highlighting definition files in order to make changes on my own. This works very well in 'Ultraedit' (www.ultraedit.com), a very popular editor in the Windows/Linux world, which allows me to extend the list of languages with my own or new languages or keywords. Changing colours is just a subset of this feature. Thanks for your consideration!

What's new in Textastic 2.2?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 10
Version 2.2

Textastic 2.2 is now available on the App Store. It is a huge update:

Main new features:

  • MobileMe iDisk support
  • WebDAV client support
  • Save several remote file locations – for example, Textastic will now remember a file's location in your Dropbox as well as on your FTP server so you can quickly upload and download a file using several remote locations.
  • New Auto-Wordwrap option is enabled by default: this automatically adjusts the word wrap to fit the width of the editor (helpful when changing between portrait and landscape mode) - you can change this back to a fixed wrap column in settings
  • New cursor navigation wheel - can be brought up with a two-finger tap
  • Tap-and-hold on a file in the "Files" section brings up three new options: "Open with Encoding", "Open In..." and "Preview"
    "Open With Encoding" allows you to overwrite the automatically detected character encoding
    "Open In" allows you to open all files in other app without loading them in the editor
    "Preview" allows you to view images, pdf and word files etc. using the preview function of iOS
  • You can now setup a password lock to protect your files and connections

Other features:
  • New drawing code for the editor - should be much more responsive when typing and selecting text
  • Pinch-to-zoom shows zooming factor and snaps to 100%
  • Supports FTPES (explicit auth SSL/TLS)
  • New setting: soft tabs (spaces instead of tabs)
  • New setting: show or hide tab characters
  • In the File Properties popover you can now set the character encoding used when saving an already open file
  • You can choose between more character encodings when creating a new file (for example, Cyrillic CP 1251)
  • Line endings (Unix, Windows, Mac) can now be chosen when you create a new file and also modified in the file information popover
  • Japanese characters are now displayed at full height and 68% width to make them more readable
  • Tap and hold on selection handles is now handled correctly
  • Tapping once on the status bar goes to the top of the file, tapping a second time goes to the bottom
  • The keyboard only comes up when you lift the finger on the editor. This avoids bringing up the keyboard if you only want to scroll.
  • PowerShell syntax definition
  • Rearranged the settings screen
  • New font size selection control
  • Many bug fixes


scrolling via scrollbar

Martin Mlostek 14 years ago updated by Bryan H. 5 months ago 1
would be great if its possible to scroll with the edge of the screen (scrollbar). i have the situation, that some files are 20000 lines of code. yeeah i know this is relly bad coding style, but i have to deal with that.

and for such worst case files, it would be great to scroll to the end in less than 60 seconds.

I would <3 to see Markdown Extra support (including tables)

farscapeone 14 years ago 0

I would love to see Markdown Extra support in the preview - especially tables.  I already use Textastic for writing my meeting minutes and emails and I would like to see tables added.


Wuala cloud storage support

Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago in General updated by antonios 12 years ago 3

See http://www.wuala.com

Under review

Check SSH host keys / server fingerprint (known_hosts)

Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago in General updated 12 years ago 2

To detect man-in-the-middle attacks SSH clients are supposed to check the host key of the server, for example by comparing it with a known good key. Should the client neglect to check the server key (or an attacker manage to steal the private key of the server) the connection becomes vulnerable to active man-in-the-middle attacks when using password-based authentication.

Add host key checking to Textastic.



tom reussner 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
Grosses Lob für dieses nützliche Tool! Danke für die Mühe und den Aufwand, der dahinter steckt. Viel Erfolg und Freude damit!!!