
Occurrences highlight

puccet 5 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 6

It would be really usefull to highlight every occurrences of the currently selected word (a la Eclispe for example).

Yes please! It allows me to easily see all the instances of a variable and where/what the code is doing with it. Doing that helps me quickly analyze code. Certain cases it’s also faster for quickly renaming versus replace all.

On the ipad I found that you can search for a word then click outside the dialog (or just press cmd + f again) to see all highlighted occurrences. This works as an interim solution for me at least.

I think this features is now implemented, not sure in which version but the behavior Adam describe works also on the iPhone version and is what I was talking about.

I like how Notepad++ does this on Windows, but you can achieve similar by searching for the term instead. Automatic highlighting would be brilliant though

Yes, there was a little confusion between the search highlights and the occurrences one.

What I was looking for is the latter, after one year I confused it with the search highlights that can be useful but force you to enter the search mode.

Yes the automatic highlighting of selected word is a quality of life feature and originally what I was going to request. Glad I’m not the only one wanting it and hopefully it gets implemented!