Under review

Keyboard Shortcuts - [CMD]+[2é] does nothing on French AZERTY external keyboards

Maurice Zoliker 5 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 1

Dear Alexander,

I have found an issue with the Keyboard Shortcuts.

When I try to configure "Show Nth Tab" and press [CMD]+[1&], Textastic shows [CMD]+[&], which is good and works fine. Idem for [CMD]+[3"], showing [CMD]+["], which is good and works fine too.

But [CMD]+[2é] does nothing, making it impossible to access Tab number 2 with this natural shortcut.

For information, [CTRL]+[2é], [ALT]+[2é] and [SHIFT]+[2é] are doing nothing too.

Not sure whether this is an iOS or Textastic issue though.

I am using multiple AZERTY (French) external keyboards, and I can reproduce this issue with all those I have tried, so the keyboard itself does not seem to be the cause.

May I ask you to look into this?

Thanks a lot for all your valuable feedbacks.

Kind regards,

Maurice Zoliker


Mouse dragging selects text instead of moving screen

Maurice Zoliker 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

Dear Alexander,

I am using Textastic with a mouse since iOS now allows it. Not sure if this is the intended behavior but when I left clic and drag on the text, I would have expected the screen to move (like with my finger). Right now what happens is the text is selected, which feels a bit counter intuitive, at least to me.

Would it be possible to change this behavior, or is it locked by iOS? At least, if possible, an option would be really nice :-).

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

Kind regards,


Under review

Hide extended keyboard when hardware keyboard is connected

Maurice Zoliker 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Dear Alexander,

I have a quick question: could you please tell me where is the option for hiding the extended keyboard when a hardware keyboard is connected?

I am pretty sure this option used to be there but I cannot figure out where it is!

If it has been removed, would it be possible to have it back?

Thanks a lot for your help!

Kind regards,


Under review

Refresh file view from Workingcopy?

Mark Levison 5 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 1

I'm using workingcopy as my git tool and it's connected to text stick. There are a number of new files in my repo and text stick doesn't see them automatically, nor can I find a refresh function. How to magically cause them to be seen?


Is there way to render this simple vue example?

Nicholas Hernandez 5 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 3

Hello -

I have an example script that i am working on through a new course i am taking. I have attached the two files and when I select to preview in safari when in the index.html file it shows the actual text {{ sayHello() }} instead of the function listed in JavaScript.


Please let me know what I may be doing wrong or if it is not possible!




It looks like you need to include vue.js after the #app div. I changed the index.html file to this and it worked for me:



Improve SSH Terminal Font Size by having hotkey or pinch zoom

matthew 5 years ago in iPad 0

SSH Terminal needs either a hotkey or being able to pinch to zoom to change the font size.

Under review

INK from Inkle TmLanguage

Lars Mathiasen 5 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 1

Hello. Can I add this TmLanguage bundle to Textastic for IOS? 
Ink TmLanguage
I tried to add the ink.tmlanguage file to my #textastic local folder on my iPad but I did not work. 

Under review

Feature Request - SSH Name Tabs Option

Vixen 5 years ago in iPad updated 5 years ago 2

Please allow the option for us to label the tabs and the label be persistent until either A) the tab is closed or B) the user changes the label again manually.  This would help when managing multiple servers via SSH at once.


Open with encoding doesn't work

bora734 5 years ago in iPad 0

it usually works but some of the files, I choosed Korean (Mac OS) option,

but pop-up message forces me to save the file as UTF8 or some Latin encoding. Or whatever i didn't choice. 

Under review

link HTML and CSS files

けた 5 years ago in iPad updated 5 years ago 2

I can easy english only, sorry.

I wrote it like this.

Image 397

but, Could not link HTML and CSS files.

If there are any mistakes, Please let me know.