Not a bug

Third party cloud services are disabled on ipad pro

Ozrenildo 5 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 1


I really love your app but I’m not being able to create external folders using third party services like onedrive, in the moment they all (except icloud) are greyed out.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

Image 387

Under review

A LEFT and RIGHT shift button to move the cursor

Tony Heyes 5 years ago updated by dantepicchioni 2 years ago 2

I find it very difficult to drop the curser in the correct place.  Thus I frequently have to delete and retype some of the code.  Could we please have LEFT and RIGHT move buttons to enable the cursor to be repositioned.

Under review

BUG - Data loss through dropbox

garvan walshe 5 years ago in iPad updated by ryanbeard82 2 years ago 7

1. I started a new document, to be saved on Dropbox while offline. finished it. closed my ipad.

2. Opened my ipad at work, where it connected to my wifi

3. It then deleted the contents of the document saying “couldn’t communicate with a helper application.”

Result: I lost my column which has to be filed in two hours. 

Under review

Synology Drive

Jan Erik Moström 5 years ago in iPad updated 5 years ago 3

I tried to add a folder from my Synology to Textastic, using Files and the Synology Drive mapp I'm able to browse the files but when I use Textastic nothing happens when I tap on Synology Drive. I'm probably missing something basic but what?

Under review

How does iCloud syncing work?

StayHungryStayFoolish 5 years ago in General updated 5 years ago 4

Hi Everyone, I’m new to Textastic. I love this so far. Everything just works flawlessly. Simple but powerful! And I just started using it to work on my first personal website. 

I appreciate the ability of iCould syncing since I have been purchasing some storage on iCloud Drive. But I want to clarify how does the syncing actually work. Let’s say I have opened up and working my HTML file on Textastic inside the iCloud folder. 

1. Does it create a temp copy that stays in my local file system so I could still work on it even if I loss the internet connection?

2. Is there any indicator or any way that I could know if it’s synced or not?

3. Once the internet connection is back on, does it automatically sync? Or if there is a way that I could handle this manually?  (In case I work on it offline but I don’t actually want to sync it)

Summarize my questions a little bit, I’m basically looking for a way to manage files in the way like Git does. So I could “pull” files from my iCould Drive, work on it offline. Then “Push” it to the iCould Drive whenever I want it to.

Thank you so much for reading this. And appreciate any help and advice.


addition to x-callback-url

Sven 5 years ago in iPad 0

the current list of actions that x-callback-url supports is sufficient, apart from the lack of one that return the contents of a specified file. would that be a feature to be considered?

while we're on the topic of automation/app-interaction, would Textastic be adding support for custom Shortcuts actions?


iCloud synchronisation problem

ernesto exposito 5 years ago 0

My MacBook is not get synchronised anymore after catalina upgrade. 

I cannot even see the Textstatic folder within my idrive directory. 

Thanks for your help


Import packages or have a package manager

Brendon Zimmer 5 years ago in General 0

I would appreciate to have a place to import packages, especially .jar packages to allow me to code Java with other pre built classes. Thanks


Add File/Folder Path Field

a1534286 5 years ago in iPad 0

Basically what I'm suggesting is that the new file/folder dialog box be modified to have a path field. This field would allow those of us with a keyboard on our iPads to type out the path to the new file relative to the directory we're currently browsing. It also recursively creates all the folders that do not exist in order to create the file/folder. I have to create files quite frequently and having to navigate up and down the folder structure while also having to select whether it is a file or folder and then name it take much longer than it should. If I have to create 25 files and the folders they go in I've just wasted nearly a minute of time just creating the files. Now, that doesn't sound like much but eventually that number grows into hours and days. Never mind the fact that I haven't actually programmed anything yet.