SFTP not functioning as expected
I didn't expect Textastic's SFTP function to download a copy of the directory structure to the iPad.
Will there be support for working on remote files remotely?
Search improvements
Is there a simple straightforward way to show my console.log in a js file?
I bought the app to do some algo practice. I need to be able to console.log on js files, is there a simple way to do this, and do this offline?
Buffer refreshing after editing vim in terminal
There’s a malfunction in the Terminal window, after I edit and quit a vim file, and maybe after I switch tasks as well going from Textastic to Safari and back, the terminal window flashes with a memory leak from the previously edited vim file.
I solve this by clearing the terminal buffer Ctrl+L, but it’s getting to be annoying.
HTML includes like Phase 5 editor
Ich denke, daß sie Phase5 kennen. Der hat ein sehr cleveres Feature namens „Includes“: https://www.phase5.info/Hilfe/index.html?projektweit_includes_aktualisi.html
Kann Ihr Editor so etwas auch?
Wenn nicht, könnte so erwas inkludiert werden?
Support for external CSS
Support for external CSS is a must!! I woudn’t mind if available on a paid app (I’m an iPad user). Koder is actually capable of this, but Textastic is just much better otherwise.
Another, minor issue, is that I save my work on iCloud, Documents folder. I can edit files by tapping on them in the Files app. It would be nice to navigate throu other iCloud folders natively on Textastic
if document in the iCloud is altered by another user while it is open in editor, update the text in the editor
What happens currently? Does the content of the editor update? If the user has made changes - ie the are one or more undo objects - then display a message indicating an edit conflict? Maybe save the current (older) document to an alternate filename if there is a conflict.
Error uploading: request body stream exhausted
Error uploading: request body stream exhausted
I've been getting this error for awhile when uploading to a particular server. I get the error with WebDAV or SFTP. It seems to happen with most files. Smaller files are more likely to succeed. I use another WebDAV/FTP app with no problems with this server. Not sure if it's a Textastic issue or something with the server.
ssh macro
In ios SSH terminal is awesome… here is an idea. I normally use the same commands over an over. It would be nice if there were a drop down menu with pre-dermined lines of ssh commands. ssh macros.
The macros can be a plist file that the key is the name of the macro displayed in the drop down in the terminal, and the value is the ssh command(s) to be sent through the terminal. Of course the plist should be editable in texstastic
What do you think?
Jorge Varas
Textastic user since version 4… I think
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