
Runtime revolution syntax highlighting .livecode .irev .rev

Thomas McGrath III 14 years ago 0
Runtime revolution syntax highlighting .livecode .irev .rev

Text Zoom

Mark Simon 12 years ago 0
Can we have a text zoom, either via the mouse (command-scroll) or with keyboard short cuts, or even with buttons?I am aware that this is possible indirectly by keeping the Fonts preference open, but many other text editors simplify the process more directly. This is especially the case when I repeatedly move in and out of the code.


Fantastic App!

dgbostick 14 years ago 0
Just started using Textastic yesterday when the other app I was using quit on me. I am glad, as Textastic is much better. Thanks for a great app.

Bug in the magnifier - orientation upside down.

Guy Ozery 12 years ago in iPad updated by Sarah Kelly 10 years ago 12


I am not sure when it happened but it did.

The magnifier orientation was opposite from the text orientation.  

Probably because I switched the iPad orientation number of times. 

I tried to restart the app and now its ok but it means that there are rare case that you lose track of orientation. 




This should be fixed in the next update.


Dropbox Integration

brianfryer 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
Dropdbox integration. That is all.

What's new in Textastic 3.1?

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4
  • Added syntax definitions for C#, Coldfusion, R, Stata, VHDL, Verilog, and LSL
  • Performance improvements 
  • Web Preview: Changes in linked files were not shown on iOS 5
  • Improved behavior when transferring large amounts of files
  • WebDAV: fixed an issue with Apache/mod_dav redirects
  • SFTP: you can now rename files with spaces in the file name
  • FTP: fixed an issue with certain file listings
  • TextExpander: the row of additional keys did not trigger snippets
  • Many other improvements
Version 3.1
Textastic 3.1 is now available on the App Store.

Support SwipeSelection

Steven Lu 10 years ago in iPhone 0
SwipeSelection used to work on iOS6 with textastic, but currently, on my iPhone 6+ with iOS8.1, the Textastic app doesn't fully work with SwipeSelection Pro (a Cydia tweak) -- it allows you to swipe back and forth across only about two characters. 

Hopefully you can take a look and see if this is an issue that can be fixed. 

Even better, if it can be supported natively by the app. There was a concern raised here (http://feedback.textasticapp.com/topic/114900-swipe-selection/) about special characters, but the way to deal with that is to just disable the swipe functionality when the key has been held, so that both features can be used together.

It would be great to have a built-in ssh client!

Никита Зюляев 13 years ago 0
If it was you would be able to upload source files to some server, compile and test them. But now you can only edit them.

Textastic one of the greatest Apps I use on my iPad

Torsten Scholz 14 years ago 0
Actually I use it for development of jquery webapps. It is like a small IDE.

Date file changed

Alex2011 14 years ago 0
How can I compare date files changed on line and local, to decide which is the newest?