Under review

Support for external CSS

Jorge Che 4 months ago in General updated 4 months ago 2

Support for external CSS is a must!! I woudn’t mind if available on a paid app (I’m an iPad user). Koder is actually capable of this, but Textastic is just much better otherwise.

Another, minor issue, is that I save my work on iCloud, Documents folder. I can edit files by tapping on them in the Files app. It would be nice to navigate throu other iCloud folders natively on Textastic

Under review

if document in the iCloud is altered by another user while it is open in editor, update the text in the editor

Cecil Ward 5 months ago updated 5 months ago 2

What happens currently? Does the content of the editor update? If the user has made changes - ie the are one or more undo objects - then display a message indicating an edit conflict? Maybe save the current (older) document to an alternate filename if there is a conflict.


Error uploading: request body stream exhausted

Denny 5 months ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 months ago 5

Error uploading: request body stream exhausted

I've been getting this error for awhile when uploading to a particular server. I get the error with WebDAV or SFTP. It seems to happen with most files. Smaller files are more likely to succeed. I use another WebDAV/FTP app with no problems with this server. Not sure if it's a Textastic issue or something with the server.


Under review

ssh macro

Jorge 5 months ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 months ago 1

In ios SSH terminal is awesome… here is an idea. I normally use the same commands over an over. It would be nice if there were a drop down menu with pre-dermined lines of ssh commands. ssh macros.

The macros can be a plist file that the key is the name of the macro displayed in the drop down in the terminal, and the value is the ssh command(s) to be sent through the terminal. Of course the plist should be editable in texstastic

What do you think?

Jorge Varas

Textastic user since version 4… I think


How to add Markdown snippets to Textastic

Peter Anderson 6 months ago in iPad 0

Textastic is a great plain text editor; I think it's the BBEdit for iOS!

I use Textastic for writing and reviewing Markdown documents. However, it's not a perfect solution. One major omission is a snippets function; for example if you want to format a block of text you have to mark up the text before and after the selected text and often this can be difficult. Snippets is an enhancement I've often requested for Textastic.

Now I've found a workable solution.

There is an iOS app called Text Case. Its primary function is to change the case of selected text (a useful feature that Textastic does not include). But Text Case is extensible and you can add your own functions ("flows" in Text Case speak) using a large number of built-in functions. Two such built-in functions are "add a prefix" and "add a suffix" to a selected text block.

So you can add, for example, your own Markdown underline function. The custom function building process is very simple. The attached screenshot shows several Markdown "flows" I've created. Then you simply select and copy the text to be underlined, app switch to Text Case and choose the new "Underline Selection" function, app switch back to Textastic and paste the marked-up text. For example:

This text needs to be underlined.

Follow the process above and you get…

This text needs to be underlined.

This is not perfect but it makes applying Markdown syntax to Textastic documents much easier.

If you have a better way of applying Markdown syntax in Textastic, please let me know.



Image 580

Under review

After downloading I have a page of advice PERIOD! How do we find the remainder?

W0LF 8 months ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 months ago 1
Under review

Should be nice the add the possibilities to upload any type of file via FTP

Alex85 8 months ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 months ago 1

Sublime theme import

dillon zac 8 months ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 8 months ago 1

Hello! I'm excited to use Textastic on my iPhone 13.

I'm trying to import the gruvbox Sublime theme (https://github.com/Briles/gruvbox — specifically the "Dark Hard" color scheme), but nothing I've tried has made it appear in the Code Editor customization list, and I've tried many things, including unzipping the .zip into #Textastic, moving various pieces of said folder into and out of a "Templates" folder, renaming them with the folder and/or files with ".tmTheme" and ".tmbundle" extensions, etc…

The Textastic manual page on adding themes apparently isn't detailed enough for a newbie like me. Please, what exactly do I need to do to make this work?

Thank you!

Under review

Indent Based on Syntax: '(' and '[' do not auto-indent

Jimmy Luo @ jimm[dot]my 8 months ago in iPhone updated 8 months ago 7