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Under review
Clicking the line number would add a bookmark to that line (visible by highlighting the line number somehow). Then a keyboard shortcut or popup window (maybe a couple icons added to the Line Number and Column number window?) would be used for navigating to First, Previous, Next, or Last bookmark (or just Previous and Next if there is not enough screen for four buttons). These icons could be hidden if there are no bookmarks in the open file. Clicking on the line number of a bookmarked line would remove the bookmark from the line.
Automatically adjust word wrap to fit screen
When i edit text i want to see it all on screen without doing additional horizontal scrolling.
Save cursor position
And return to it when switching between files
When editing i usually switch between two or more files and it will be great if cursor will stay on previous position when switching
When editing i usually switch between two or more files and it will be great if cursor will stay on previous position when switching
Alexander Blach (Developer)
14 years ago
The cursor position (selected range) is now saved - even between app launches.
Will be available in the next release.
Will be available in the next release.
Sort options for file listings
In the file lists (both locally on iPad and on remote servers) provide options for sorting by Date Modified, Size, and File Extension, both Ascending and Descending.
iOS 4.2 multitasking support
Add iOS 4.2 fast app switching, background saving (and future uploading/downloading?) support.
4.2 is due until next month, but it doesn't hurt to already implement it. Also, I'm already on the beta. ;)
4.2 is due until next month, but it doesn't hurt to already implement it. Also, I'm already on the beta. ;)
Add support for JQuery/jquery mobile code completion?
Please consider adding jquery/jquery mobile code completion support. I plan to do all my iPad app development using TextTastic! It is a brilliant tool.
Ask the user for password when connecting to an (S)FTP server instead of saving it in the connection's settings
For security reasons, some people don't want to save passwords for connections on their mobile device.
Instead, Textastic should present the user with a login dialog to enter user name and password when it is first trying to connect to a server.
Instead, Textastic should present the user with a login dialog to enter user name and password when it is first trying to connect to a server.
Show Popopover with Undo and Redo when tapping and holding the Undo button
Pages shows a popover when you tap-and-hold the undo button. Implement the same in Textastic.
Alexander Blach (Developer)
13 years ago
I've added a combined undo/redo button instead (segmented control) in Textastic 3.0.
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