Python quote handling not correct.

Momodonk 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 2
Cannot handle single quote embedded in double quote string. String colour highlight will continue until another single quote is found

Tab width setting

Fernando Zevallos 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
Currently Textmate and Coda have default tab width setting s of 5.
Could you kindly add this width setting as an choice? Just so my code matches.

Thanks a lot

Select control moves back one character

fredramsey 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
Bug: when you hit the select control, the start of the selection moves back one character. It should start where you have the cursor.

CIFS or AFP support

Anurag Mohanty 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
Basic copy/sync with a CIFS or AFP mounted volume, much in the same way SFTP is implemented.

No error msg when automatic line break > 1000

Ramon Hackbarth 12 years ago 0
When inserting a value above 1000 in automatic line break input, it's not longer possible to close configure-dialog. An error message or highlight would be helpful, because even when closing splitview and tapping on "files"-button, the configure-dialog comes up.

PS: An possiblity to complety deactivate line break would be nice :)
Under review

Can you add support for .conf files?

Josh Muccio 10 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 10 years ago 1
Not a bug

failure when receiving data from the peer

user3230579 9 years ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 6
Any time i try to connect to my server or transfer files i set a message saying "failure when receiving data from the peer".

I have tried resetting the FTP password but to no avail. I am able to successfully use yahoo's web portal and FileZilla to connect to the server.

Add Sublime Text Snippet Files

Ryan Sheehy 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

Currently functionality is available for TextMate Bundles, but would it be possible to allow for Sublime Text Snippets as they are much easier to create than tmSnippet files (no need for UUID).

Thank you!


Job Updates

mbahesh 5 years ago in General 0
Government Jobs offer an opportunity to turn your aspirations into reality. If you aspire to work in the mainstream and be a part of the nation’s economic development, a job in the Government Sector may be the best option for you. Every year a number of job opportunities become available in the Government Sector and kvsrodelhi makes you available those. Lakhs of vacancies are expected to be created this year also, encompassing important sectors like Degree based government jobs , Banking, Railways, Insurance, Civil Services, Medical Government jobs , Media, Defense, and many more.