
iCloud AsciiDoc files greyed out after asciidoc.tmbundle installed, no preview

Alexy Khrabrov 9 years ago in iPhone updated 9 years ago 2

I've followed the instructions in Makzan's blog and can create a local .asc file without a problem. However, when I want to open a .asc or .asciidoc file from an iCloud, they are greyed out, while adjacent .html and .json files are opening fine. Also, for the local files, preview does not render AsciiDoc really. What's special about iCloud and how do we enable the review?


SSH connection failed (Synology SFTP)

Bojan Mazej 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 8
Can not connect to my server with IP address. My log file

== Info: Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
== Info: Trying 19...
== Info: Connected to 19... (19...) port 22 (#29)
== Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: 72fdssdsd1hdgh345edgre545yh6
== Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
== Info: Initialized password authentication
== Info: Authentication complete
== Info: Operation timed out after 0 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
== Info: Closing connection 29

What i am doing wrong?

Facilitate easier positioning by improving the cursor wheel

Dasmagicspell 12 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

Instead of moving the cursor multiple steps in one direction by pressing and holding one of the cursor arrows (for up, down, left, right), allow the user to set the direction of cursor movement with the first press (up/down or left/right) and determine distance (number of steps) from the initial position using continuous circular motions either clockwise or counterclockwise to move the cursor to positions after (clockwise) or before (counterclockwise) the initial position. Direction and distance from the initial position are more easily controlled. 

For instance, to move the cursor multiple characters to the left of the current (initial) position, press the left (or right) arrow and swipe your finger in a circular motion counterclockwise until the cursor is where you want it. To move the cursor multiple lines up, press the up (or down) arrow and swipe in a continuous counterclockwise circular motion until the desired line before the initial position is reached. 

Tell me if more explanation is needed.


Local Preview for SVG + XHTML

Martin 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 5
Great editor, but... please allow LOCAL preview and syntax highlighting for new web standards like SVG and XHTML. Both of them are simple XML... and rendered in every modern browser inclusive Safari... thanks for correction in advance, it should be very easy
Version 2.0

iPhone find and replace keyboard covers done button.

ian townsend 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1 1 duplicate
On the iPhone vesion getting the keyboard to go away in the find and the find & replace window is a little tricky. I cant get to the done button at the bottom. Can you add a done button to the keyboard or up top where it won't get covered up.

Open .cs files from GoodReader

Jonathan Clarke 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
GoodReader allows .txt files to be opened by Textastic, but not .cs files. I can rename the files in GoodReader as .txt, but then I lose the syntax highlighting. That's a shame, as that's my reason for using the app.
This is fixed in 1.1 which is currently in review at Apple. It should hit the App Store very soon.

In this version, all supported file extensions are registered as text files in the system.

R Syntax Highlighting

tmarquart 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
The manual shows R and S-plus syntax highlighting, yet the app does not seem to support R.  How do I get R/S-plus syntax highlighting?

Would you consider adding the keyboard component from Kodiak as an option?

Dan Diemer 12 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago 1

It's another interesting take on how to handle touchbased text navigation and I'm rather fond of it. Best of all, it's opensource! https://github.com/adamhoracek/KOKeyboard/


Can't grab text selection handles.

Bob Lob Law 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 3
I have the new iPad 2. When I try to grab the handles to change the selected text, it acts as if the handles are not there and comes up with the move curser baloon.
Implemented for Textastic 2.2.

8052 assembly syntax highlighting

Asher 14 years ago 0
8052 assembly is fairly common teaching languages.